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19. In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those who are ACTively striving to maintain and improve their health.(2006.12.Passage Two) 句子切割:In recent years, / however, / some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those / who are ACTively striving to maintain and improve their health. 翻译:然而近些年来,一些医学专家考试认为,只有那些主动维持和改善其身体状态的人才称的上“well”和“wellness”。 重点词汇: Specialists:专家 Strive:奋斗,拼搏 

20. “Wellness” may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. (2006.12.Passage Two) 句子切割:“Wellness” may perhaps best be viewed not as a state / that people can achieve, / but as an ideal / that people can strive for. / People / who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease / when it strikes. 翻译:对“健康”的最佳理解可能不是人们能达到的一种状态,而是人们能追求的一个理想。健康的人更有可能预防疾病和在疾病发作时战胜它。 重点词汇: View...as...:把......视作为...... State:阐述;国家;州 Strike:打击,罢工,敲打

 21. And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impACT on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life.(2006.12.Passage Two)

句子切割:And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, / the concept of wellness

can have a beneficial impACT on the ways / in which people face the challenges of daily life. 翻译:通过关注健康的生活方式,健康的新概念还能对人们如何面对日常生活的挑战产生有益的影响。 重点词汇: Concept:概念 Beneficial:有益处的 impACT on:影响

 22. While you need to employ both to get to a finished result, they cannot work in parallel no matter how much we might like to think so.(2007.6.Passage One) 句子切割: While you need to employ both to get to a finished result, / they cannot work in parallel / no matter how much we might like to think so. 翻译:当你需要同时运用这两种思维来写点儿东西时,无论你的愿望多么强烈,它们都不能同时产生作用。 重点词汇: Employ:使用;雇用 Parallel:平行;对比

 23. If you are listening to that 5th grade English teacher correct your grammar while you are trying to capture a fleeting (稍纵即逝的) thought, the thought will die.(2007.6.Passage One) 句子切割:If you are listening to / that 5th grade English teacher correct your grammar / while you are trying to capture a fleeting thought, / the thought will die. 翻译:如果你捕捉到了稍纵即逝的灵感,却以其原始形式公布于世,恐怕没有人能够理解。 重点词汇: Grammar:语法 Capture: 捕获,夺得;俘虏 

24. The prACTice that can help you past your learned bad habits of trying to edit as you write is what Elbow calls “free writing.”(2007.6.Passage One) 句子切割:The prACTice / that can help you past your learned bad habits of trying to edit as you write is / what Elbow calls “free writing.” 翻译:对于克服与生俱来的边写作边修改的坏毛病,有一种让Elbow称为“随意写作”的写作方法会很有帮助。 重点词汇:


 25. As the words begin to flow, the ideas will come from the shadows and let themselves be captured on your notepad or your screen.(2007.6.Passage One) 句子切割:As the words begin to flow, / the ideas will come from the shadows / and let themselves be captured on your notepad or your screen. 翻译:由于不断写字就能够让想法由暗处发掘出来,然后记录到记事本上或屏幕上。 重点词汇: Flow:流动 Shadows:阴影;遮蔽

26. Most likely, you will believe that this will take more time than you ACTually have and you will end up staring blankly at the pages as the deadline draws near.

(2007.6.Passage One) 句子切割:Most likely, / you will believe / that this will take more time than you ACTually have / and you will end up staring blankly at the pages as the deadline draws near. 翻译:很有可能,你会发现这样做你的时间会不够用,截稿期限就要到了,你却茫然地盯着页面。 重点词汇: Blankly:渺茫地 Deadline:截止日期 Stare:凝视 

27. There was a time in my life when people asked constantly for stories about what it‟s like to work in a field dominated by men.(2007.6.Passage Two) 句子切割:There was a time in my life / when people asked constantly for stories / about what it‟s like to work in a field dominated by men. 翻译:曾经有一段时间,人们总是不断问我“在一个男性占支配地位的领域中,你的工作是怎样的”之类的问题。 重点词汇: Constantly:不断地,连续地 Dominate:主宰,支配

28. Sometimes, when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus (相对于) right brain, or nature versus nurture (培育), I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all

womankind.(2007.6.Passage Two) 句子切割:Sometimes, / when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus (相对于) right brain, / or nature versus nurture (培育), / I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind. 翻译:有时候,当我被迫卷入关于左脑对右脑、天性对培养之类的争论时,我会立即猛然回应,为我自己及所有的女同胞辩护。 重点词汇: Fight:打架,抗争 Fiercely:激烈地

29. Then one day a few years ago, out of my mouth came a sentence that would eventually become my reply to any and all provocations: I don‟t talk about that anymore.

(2007.6.Passage Two) 句子切割:Then one day a few years ago, / out of my mouth came a sentence / that would eventually become my reply to any and all provocations: / I don‟t talk about / that anymore. 翻译:几年前一天,我说了一句话:我再也不愿谈论那些事了,以此作为我对所有挑衅的最终回复。 重点词汇: Sentence:句子;命题;宣判 Reply:回答;回复 Eventually:最终地 Provocations:挑衅

 30. It took me 10 years to get back the confidence I had at 19 and to realize that I didn‟t want to deal with gender issues. (2007.6.Passage Two) 句子切割:It took me 10 years to get back the confidence I had at 19 and to realize / that I didn‟t want to deal with gender issues. 翻译:我花了十年的时间才重新找回了19岁时的信心,意识到自己不愿再理会性别问题。 重点词汇: Confidence:信心 Realize:意识;实现;了解 Gender:性别 

31. Instead, I have given them this: the visual of their physics professor heavily pregnant doing physics experiments. (2007.6.Passage Two) 句子切割:Instead, / I have given them this: / the visual of their physics professor heavily pregnant doing physics experiments


面。 重点词汇: Physic:物理学 Pregnant:怀孕 Experiment:实验 

32. It enrolls 90,000 students, a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country.(2007.12.Passage One) 句子切割:It enrolls 90,000 students, / a statistic used to support its claim to be the largest private university in the country. 翻译:它完全以网上教育为基础授予学位,每年招收90,000名学生,这一数据也被用以证明它是全美国最大的私立大学。 重点词汇: Enroll:招收 Statistic:数据 Private:私立的

33. While the kinds of instruction offered in these programs will differ, DL usually signifies a course in which the instructors post syllabi (课程大纲), reading assignments, and schedules on Websites, and students send in their assignments by e-mail.

(2007.12.Passage One) 句子切割:While the kinds of instruction offered / in these programs will differ, / DL usually signifies a course / in which the instructors post syllabi (课程大纲), / reading assignments, / and schedules on Websites, / and students send in their assignments by e-mail. 翻译:尽管各个大学提供的课程不尽相同,但是远程教学通常会把学程公开,在此教师会把课程大纲、阅读任务、课程安排张贴到网上,学生们则以电子邮件的形式提交作业。 重点词汇: Instruction:说明 Assignment:作业;任务 Signify:表示;意味 Schedule:安排,计划,时间表 

34. In a survey conducted for eCornell, the DL division of Cornell University, less than a third of the respondents expected the quality of the online course to be as good as the classroom course.(2007.12.Passage One)

句子切割:In a survey conducted for eCornell, / the DL division of Cornell University, / less than a third of the respondents / expected the quality of the online course to be as

good as the classroom course. 翻译:对Cornell大学远程教育分校,Cornell网络学校所做的调查表明,只有不到三分之一的被调查者认为网上教学的质量会跟课堂教学质量一样高。 重点词汇: Survey:调查;测量 Division:除法,部门,分割 Conduct:管理,引导 Respondent:被告,应答者 

35. Although some of the more ambitious programs require new investments in servers and networks to support collaborative software, most DL courses can run on existing or minimally upgraded (升级) systems.(2007.12.Passage One) 句子切割:Although some of the more ambitious programs require new investments in servers / and networks to support collaborative software, / most DL courses can run on existing or minimally upgraded systems. 翻译:尽管一些更具有挑战性的项目需要在服务器和网络上进行更多的投资以确保能够支持软件,但是大多数的网络教育课程都可以在现行或是只需要进行简单升级的系统上就可运行。 重点词汇: Ambitious:有雄心的 Collaborative:协作的 Minimally:最低限度地 Investment:投资 

36. The more students who enroll in a course but don‟t come to campus, the more the school saves on keeping the lights on in the classrooms, paying doorkeepers, and maintaining parking lots. (2007.12.Passage One) 句子切割:The more students / who enroll in a course but don‟t come to campus, / the more the school saves on keeping the lights on in the classrooms, / paying doorkeepers, / and maintaining parking lots. 翻译:报名选择网络教育而不是学校教育的学生越多,学校在照明、支付门卫工资和维护停车场的方面所节省的费用就越多。 重点词汇: Campus:校园 Doorkeeper:门卫 Maintain:维持

37. Telling myself that I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across the hall, I offered suggestions for charACTers, conflicts and endings for her tales.

(2007.12.Passage Two)

句子切割:Telling myself / that I was merely an experienced writer guiding the young writer across the hall, / I offered suggestions for charACTers, / conflicts and endings for

her tales. 翻译:我一次一次地告诫自己只是一个有些经验的作家在指导一个小作家成长而已,关于她的故事的角色、冲突和结尾我都提供了一些建议。 重点词汇: Across:穿过 Conflict:冲突 

38. The story about a fearful angel starting first grade was quickly “guided” by me into the tale of a little girl with a wild imagination taking her first music lesson. (2007.12.Passage Two) 句子切割:The story about a fearful angel starting first grade / was quickly “guided” by me into the tale of a little girl / with a wild imagination taking her first music lesson. 翻译:这个关于一个要上一年级的心怀恐惧的小天使的故事在我的指导下变成了一个有着大胆想象的小女孩要上第一堂音乐课的故事。 重点词汇: Fearful:可怕地 Angel:天使;守护神 Imagination:想象

39. Because I know very little about farm animals who use tools or angels who go to first grade, I had to accept the fACT that I was co-opting (借用) my daughter‟s experience.

(2007.12.Passage Two) 句子切割:Because I know very little about farm animals / who use tools or angels / who go to first grade, / I had to accept the fACT / that I was co-opting my daughter‟s experience. 翻译:因为我对于使用工具的农场小动物和上一年级的小天使知之甚少,我只能接受一个事实,那就是我借用了我女儿的经历。 重点词汇: co-opting:借用 

40. While stepping back was difficult for me, it was certainly a good first step that I will quickly follow with more steps, putting myself far enough away to give her room but close enough to help if asked.(2007.12.Passage Two) 句子切割:While stepping back was difficult for me, / it was certainly a good first step / that I will quickly follow with more steps, / putting myself far enough away to give her room / but close enough to help / if asked.


努力,让自己站得足够远,让她有足够的发展空间,在她需要的时候离她又足够近。 重点词汇: stepping back:回忆过往;站在后面 

41.But the real truth is that we don't know enough to relieve global warming, and - without major technological breakthroughs - we can't do much about it.(2008.6.Passage One) 句子切割:But the real truth is / that we don't know enough to relieve global warming, / and - / without major technological breakthroughs - / we can't do much about it. 翻译:但是事情的真相是我们了解的还不够多,不足以缓解全球变暖这一现状,并且如果没有重大的技术突破的话,我们将无能为力。 重点词汇: global warming:全球变暖 Breakthrough:突破 

42. But it hasn't reduced CO2 emissions(up about 25% since 1990),and many signatories(签字国) didn't adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets. (2008.6.Passage One) 句子切割:But it hasn't reduced CO2 emissions(up about 25% since 1990), / and many signatories didn't adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets. 翻译:但是《京都议定书》也没有使得二氧化碳的排放减少(自1990年起增长了25%),许多签字国也没有采取强有力的措施来实现2008——2012年的目标。 重点词汇: Reduce:减少 Emission:排放,发射,散发 

43. The prACTical conclusion is that if global warming is a potential disaster,the only solution is new technology.(2008.6.Passage One) 句子切割:The prACTical conclusion is / that if global warming is a potential disaster, / the only solution is new technology. 翻译:现实的结论就是,如果全球变暖将是一个潜在的灾难的话,唯一的解决办法就是新科技。 重点词汇: PrACTical:实际的 Disaster:灾难 Solution:解决方法 Potential:潜在的,潜能

44. Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell

phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.(2008.6.Passage Two) 句子切割:Or perhaps someone will casually glance / through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills / to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits. 翻译:或许有人会随意地浏览你的信用卡购物记录或者电话账单来调查你的购物趋向以及电话习惯。 重点词汇: Casually:随便地;偶然地 Purchase:购买 Preference:偏好 Glance:扫视,一撇 

45. Whoever it is, they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen - the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked.(2008.6.Passage Two) 句子切割:Whoever it is, / they will see you in a way / you never intended to be seen - / the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked. 翻译:无论他是谁,他们都在以一种你不曾希望的方式来注视着你——21世纪就等于被赤裸裸地盯着。 重点词汇: Intend:打算 Equivalent:等价物,相等物 

46. The digital bread crumbs(碎屑) you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like.(2008.6.Passage Two) 句子切割:The digital bread crumbs / you leave everywhere / make it easy for strangers to reconstruct / who you are, / where you are and what you like. 翻译:你们在这个数字时代留下的点点滴滴都会使陌生人轻而易举地再你们的身份,你们的位置,以及你们的喜好。 重点词汇: Reconstruct:重新建设,重新构建

47. A survey found an overwhelming pessimism about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is "slipping away, and that bothers me."(2008.6.Passage Two)

句子切割:A survey found an overwhelming pessimism about privacy, / with 60 percent of respondents / saying they feel their privacy is "slipping away, / and that bothers me." 翻译:有一项调查发现,人们对于隐私的安全性越来越悲观,60%的被调查者说他们感觉“隐私正离他们而去,这让他们烦恼不已”。 重点词汇: Overwhelming:压倒性的,势不可挡的 Privacy:隐私

Bother:烦恼,打扰 Pessimism:悲观主义 

48. Privacy economist Alessandro Acauisti has run a series of tests that reveal people will surrender personal information like Socail Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-off coupon(优惠卷).(2008.6.Passage Two) 句子切割:Privacy economist Alessandro Acauisti has run a series of tests / that reveal people will surrender personal information / like Socail Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-off coupon. 翻译:隐私经济学家亚历山德罗进行了一系列的测试,结果表明人们为了一张50美分的优惠券而弓手将自己的个人信息告诉了别人,如:社会保险号。 重点词汇: a series of:一系列 Surrender:投降者 Pitiful:可怜的,令人同情的

 49. Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you‟ll die on average five years before a woman.(2008.12.Passage One) 句子切割:Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term, / about 78 years for men in Australia, / you‟ll die on average five years / before a woman. 翻译:假设你可以寿终正寝,在澳大利亚男性的死亡年龄约为78岁,这意味着你要比女性的平均死亡年龄早五年去世。 重点词汇: Term:术语,学期,条款 Average:平均;普通

 50. Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed doing anything about his smoker‟s cough for a year.(2008.12.Passage One) 句子切割:Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man / who had delayed doing anything / about his smoker‟s cough for a year. 翻译:两个月前,古罗塔结识了一位50岁的男性吸烟咳嗽患者,他患病一年了,却一直没有进行治疗。 重点词汇: Delay:延期 Cough:咳嗽







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    班级名称 课程内容 适合学员 详细
    考研英语 针对本年度的考研英语作出整体规划,以构筑考研学员坚实的英语基础为目标,将考研中涉及的语法、词汇、阅读等基础技能进行系统归纳梳理,讲解词汇语法记忆与运用,帮助学员夯实英语基础,为提高强化班的听课效率及个人成绩打下基础。 英语基础明显薄弱或零基础,需要提高自学能力,缺乏学习方法和复习规划的学员 详细
    考研政治 针对本年度的考研政治作出整体规划,对于考研政治马原理、毛中特、史纲、思修法基、时政当代中考点所涉及到的基本概念进行梳理和讲解,为提高强化班的听课效率及个人成绩打下基础。 政治基础薄弱的学员;对大学期间所学政治课程基本没有印象,考研政治缺乏学习方法和复习规划的学员 详细
    考研数学 针对本年度的考研数学作出整体规划,讲解高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计中基本概念、基本理论和方法,让学员了解考研基本题型及要求,为提高强化班的听课效率及个人成绩打下基础。 数学基础薄弱,需要提高自学能力,缺乏学习方法和复习规划的学员 详细
    班级名称 课程内容 适合学员 详细
    考研英语政治基础强化集训营 在短期内提供考研英语政治集中式复习辅导,封闭式教学管理,全程配备助教,进行学习监督、测评、答疑等。帮助学生从基础知识到解题技巧逐渐提高,掌握重点,突破难点,增强应试能力。 适用于基础薄弱,英语需要从词汇语法开始提高、政治需要从基础知识到解题技巧的学员; 详细
    考研英语政治数学基础强化集训营 在短期内提供考研政治数学集中式复习辅导,封闭式教学管理,全程配备助教,进行学习监督、测评、答疑等。帮助学生从基础知识到解题技巧逐渐提高,掌握重点,突破难点,增强应试能力。 适用于基础薄弱,英语需要从词汇语法开始提高、政治需要从基础知识到解题技巧的学员。 详细
    班级名称 课程内容 适合学员 详细
    四级基础强化全程班 包含四级基础、强化、冲刺走读班、四级模考串讲班、四级写作点睛班等课程内容。 适用于希望打牢基础知识,学习一些时态、语态掌握等基础知识的学员。 详细
    班级名称 课程内容 适合学员 详细
    六级基础强化全程班 包含六级词汇走读班、六级基础强化全程走读班(精听精读)、六级冲刺班、六级模考串讲班、六级词汇串讲班、六级写作点睛班的课程内容。 适用于希望打牢基础知识,学习一些时态、语态掌握等基础知识的学员。 详细



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