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For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Learning is a daily experience and a lifelong mission.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of lifelong learning. You should write at least 120 words, no more than 180 words.


Currently in this constantly changing world, learning becomes a seemingly convenient but ACTually more complex matter. As an old saying goes,” Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission”. Apparently, the meaning of this saying is that if we truly desire to learn something, we are supposed to devote our life to it.

There are several reasons accounting for this viewpoint. For one thing, learning itself is an ACTually complicated and painful matter, and as a result, it is advisable for us to commit much more time even our whole life to it. For another, it is exceedingly obvious that we are easy to forget what we learned, and accordingly, the significance of lifetime learning cannot be ignored. For example, memorizing vocabulary is commonly the first step of preparing for an English test. However, it is pretty difficult for us to put a huge number of new words in our mind. Therefore, we can divide these words into some groups and spend some hours each day on it in order to remember and understand these words.

To sum up, lifelong learning lays a solid foundation to the development of ourselves, and only when we realize the significance of lifetime learning can we understand the essence of learning.




For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make something happen.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of being creative rather than the mere onlookers in life. You should write at least 120 words, no more than 180 words.


As a famous saying goes, 'Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make something happen.' Simple as the saying is, its meaning is profound and thought-provoking, which is meant to tell us that we are supposed to be creative instead of ACTing as the onlooker.

Conspicuous are the impACTs of being creative and I would like to explore the following aspects. To begin with, it is to leading a team to make constant proGREss what water is to fish, which can be best illustrated by an example concerning an extraordinary basketball player, Yao Ming. Moreover,

this kind of innovation also makes it possible for a nation to promote its international status and

improve the comprehensive competitiveness.

From my perspective, keeping creative is so essential that adequate importance must be attached to

it. Only when we literally realize the key role it plays can we become better selves in the foreseeable future.




For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Listening is more important than talking.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of listening. You should write at least 120 words, no more than 180 words.


As the most talented creature in this planet,we human beings are in possession of two kinds of most powerful capabilities, which are listening and talking. Compared with talking, more often than not, the significance of listening is way ahead in our life.

The most typical example of the importance of talking lies in the exchange among family members. When we are accustomed to talking without listening, in the process of which we might only focus on ourselves, feeling of others are ignored and even hurt. Without listening, the essential passport towards mutual understanding, the relation among our family members may bit by bit go alienated .

Besides , listening can also promote the efficiency of teamwork and efficiency is of the utmostconsequence in such a fast-tempo society.

Talking is a window through which we convey ourselves , while listening is a door via which we understand each other . A life without mutual listening is just like a house without a door. Careful listening , so at least it seems to me , is a necessity but not a luxury in our daily life as well as in our work .


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  • 考研公共课
  • 考研集训营
  • 四级英语
  • 六级英语
    班级名称 课程内容 适合学员 详细
    考研英语 针对本年度的考研英语作出整体规划,以构筑考研学员坚实的英语基础为目标,将考研中涉及的语法、词汇、阅读等基础技能进行系统归纳梳理,讲解词汇语法记忆与运用,帮助学员夯实英语基础,为提高强化班的听课效率及个人成绩打下基础。 英语基础明显薄弱或零基础,需要提高自学能力,缺乏学习方法和复习规划的学员 详细
    考研政治 针对本年度的考研政治作出整体规划,对于考研政治马原理、毛中特、史纲、思修法基、时政当代中考点所涉及到的基本概念进行梳理和讲解,为提高强化班的听课效率及个人成绩打下基础。 政治基础薄弱的学员;对大学期间所学政治课程基本没有印象,考研政治缺乏学习方法和复习规划的学员 详细
    考研数学 针对本年度的考研数学作出整体规划,讲解高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计中基本概念、基本理论和方法,让学员了解考研基本题型及要求,为提高强化班的听课效率及个人成绩打下基础。 数学基础薄弱,需要提高自学能力,缺乏学习方法和复习规划的学员 详细
    班级名称 课程内容 适合学员 详细
    考研英语政治基础强化集训营 在短期内提供考研英语政治集中式复习辅导,封闭式教学管理,全程配备助教,进行学习监督、测评、答疑等。帮助学生从基础知识到解题技巧逐渐提高,掌握重点,突破难点,增强应试能力。 适用于基础薄弱,英语需要从词汇语法开始提高、政治需要从基础知识到解题技巧的学员; 详细
    考研英语政治数学基础强化集训营 在短期内提供考研政治数学集中式复习辅导,封闭式教学管理,全程配备助教,进行学习监督、测评、答疑等。帮助学生从基础知识到解题技巧逐渐提高,掌握重点,突破难点,增强应试能力。 适用于基础薄弱,英语需要从词汇语法开始提高、政治需要从基础知识到解题技巧的学员。 详细
    班级名称 课程内容 适合学员 详细
    四级基础强化全程班 包含四级基础、强化、冲刺走读班、四级模考串讲班、四级写作点睛班等课程内容。 适用于希望打牢基础知识,学习一些时态、语态掌握等基础知识的学员。 详细
    班级名称 课程内容 适合学员 详细
    六级基础强化全程班 包含六级词汇走读班、六级基础强化全程走读班(精听精读)、六级冲刺班、六级模考串讲班、六级词汇串讲班、六级写作点睛班的课程内容。 适用于希望打牢基础知识,学习一些时态、语态掌握等基础知识的学员。 详细



  • 英语
  • 政治
  • 数学
  • 专业课


  • 四级模拟真题
  • 六级模拟真题









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