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这份词汇表以大学英语六级 CET6 词汇表进行制作的。相比较网上常见的中文解释,本文全部的解释是用原版的英英词典(以 Longman English Dictionary 为主,以 Cambridge English Dictionary 为辅),对一个单词的不同意思进行了分开解释,以便于更快速的理解与学习。
comparabl e |
/'kɔmpərəbəl US 'kɑːm-/ |
adj |
similar to something else in size, number, quality etc, so that you can make a comparison |
compenSAT ion |
/,kɔmpən'seɪʃə n US ,kɑːm-/ |
noun |
money paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss, or because something they own has been damaged |
competitiv e |
/kəm'petɪtɪv/ |
adj |
used to describe a situation in which people or organizations compete against each other |
complexit y |
/kəm'pleksɪti/ |
noun |
the state of being complicated, the state of being difficult to understand |
complicati on |
/,kɔmplɪ'keɪʃən US ,kɑːm-/ |
noun |
a medical problem or illness that happens while someone is already ill and makes treatment more difficult |
complicati on |
/,kɔmplɪ'keɪʃən US ,kɑːm-/ |
noun |
a problem or situation that makes something more difficult to understand or deal with |
comply |
/kəm'plaɪ/ |
verb |
to ACT according to an order, set of rules or request |
composer |
/kəm'pəuzə US -'pouzər/ |
noun |
a person who writes music, especially classical music |
conceive |
/kən'siːv/ |
verb |
to imagine a particular situation or think of a new idea, plan etc and develop it in your mind |
conceive |
/kən'siːv/ |
verb |
when a woman conceives or conceives a child, she becomes pregnant |
concentrat e |
/'kɔnsəntreɪt US 'kɑːn-/ |
verb |
to make a substance or liquid stronger by removing some of the water from it |
concentrat e |
/'kɔnsəntreɪt US 'kɑːn-/ |
verb |
(on sth / on doing sth) to give all your attention to sth and not think about anything else |
concert |
/'kɔnsət US 'kɑːnsərt/ |
noun |
a performance of music by one or more musicians or singers |
confidenti al |
/,kɔnfɪ'denʃəl US ,kɑːn-/ |
adj |
secret, often in a formal, business or military situation |
confirmati on |
/,kɔnfə'meɪʃən US ,kɑːnfər-/ |
noun |
a statement, letter, etc. that shows that sth is true, correct or definite |
consequen ce |
/'kɔnsɪkwəns US 'kɑːnsɪ- kwens/ |
noun |
an often bad or inconvenient result of a particular ACTion or situation |
conservati ve |
/kən'səːvətɪv US -əːr-/ |
adj,noun |
tending not to like or trust change, especially sudden change |
conservati ve |
/kən'səːvətɪv US -əːr-/ |
adj |
A conservative guess or calculation is likely to be less than the real amount |
conservati ve |
/kən'səːvətɪv US -əːr-/ |
noun |
someone who supports or is a member of the Conservative Party in Britain |
consistent |
/kən'sɪstənt/ |
adj |
always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc - usually used to show approval |
consumer |
/kən'sjuːmə US -'suːmər/ |
noun |
someone who buys and uses products and services |
consumpti on |
/kən'sʌmpʃən/ |
noun |
the ACT of using energy, food or materials; the amount used |
contrast |
/'kɔntrɑːst US 'kɑːntræst/ |
verb,nou n |
to compare two people or things in order to show the differences between them |
convey |
/kən'veɪ/ |
verb |
to communicate or express something, with or without using words |
convey |
/kən'veɪ/ |
verb |
formal to take or carry something from one place to another |
coordinate |
/kəu'ɔːdɪneɪt US kou'ɔːr-/ |
verb |
to make various different things work effectively as a whole |
coordinate |
/kəu'ɔːdɪneɪt US kou'ɔːr-/ |
verb |
to match; to look attrACTive together |
correctly |
/kə'rektli/ |
adv |
having no mistakes,suitable and right |
correlate |
/'kɔrɪleɪt US 'kɔː-, 'kɑː-/ |
verb |
if two or more fACTs, ideas etc correlate or if you correlate them, they are closely connected to each other or one causes the other |
correlation |
/,kɔrɪ'leɪʃən US ,kɔː-, ,kɑː-/ |
noun |
a connection between two ideas, fACTs etc, especially when one may be the cause of the other |
correspond ence |
/,kɔrɪ'spɔndəns US ,kɔːrɪ'spɑːn -, ,kɑː-/ |
noun |
a relationship or connection between two or more ideas or fACTs |
correspond ence |
/,kɔrɪ'spɔndəns US ,kɔːrɪ'spɑːn -, ,kɑː-/ |
noun |
the letters that someone sends and receives, especially official or business letters |
cosmos |
/'kɔzmɔs US 'kɑːzməs/ |
noun |
the whole universe, especially when you think of it as a system |
counsel |
/'kaunsəl/ |
verb,nou n |
formal to advise someone or give advice, especially on social or personal problems |
counsel |
/'kaunsəl/ |
noun |
a type of lawyer who represents you in court |
courageou s |
/kə'reɪdʒəs/ |
adj |
brave,dealing with danger, pain, or difficult situations with courage and confidence |
courteous |
/'kəːtiəs US 'kəːr-/ |
adj |
polite and showing respect for other people |
courtesy |
/'kəːtɪsi US 'kəːr-/ |
adj |
provided free to a customer by a company |
courtesy |
/'kəːtɪsi US 'kəːr-/ |
noun |
polite behaviour and respect for other people,= politeness |
coward |
/'kauəd US - ərd/ |
noun |
someone who is not at all brave or too eager to avoid danger, difficulty |
crab |
/kræb/ |
noun |
a sea animal that has five pairs of legs and a round flat body covered by a shell, or its flesh eaten as food |
crack |
/kræk/ |
verb,nou n |
to break something so that it does not separate, but very thin lines appear on its surface, or to become broken in this way |
crack |
/kræk/ |
verb,nou n |
to make a quick loud sound like the sound of something breaking, or to make something do this |
cradle |
/'kreɪdl/ |
noun |
a small bed for a baby, especially one that moves gently from side to side |
craft |
/krɑːft US kræft/ |
noun |
a job or ACTivity in which you make things with your hands, and that you usually need skill to do |
craft |
/krɑːft US kræft/ |
noun |
(a job or ACTivity needing) skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects |
crank |
/kræŋk/ |
noun,ver b |
a handle on a piece of equipment, that you can turn in order to move something |
credit |
/'kredɪt/ |
noun |
a method of paying for goods or services at a later time, usually paying interest as well as the original money |
credit |
/'kredɪt/ |
noun |
approval or praise that you give to someone for something they have done |
criterion |
/kraɪ'tɪəriən US -'tɪr-/ |
noun |
a standard that you use to judge something or make a decision about something |
cuckoo |
/'kukuː US 'kuːkuː, 'ku-/ |
noun |
a GREy bird with a two-note call that sounds similar to its name, which puts its eggs in other birds' nests |
custom |
/'kʌstəm/ |
noun |
a way of behaving or a belief which has been established for a long time or usually |
cutter |
/'kʌtə US -ər/ |
noun |
a tool that is used for cutting something |
班级名称 | 课程内容 | 适合学员 | 详细 |
考研英语 | 针对本年度的考研英语作出整体规划,以构筑考研学员坚实的英语基础为目标,将考研中涉及的语法、词汇、阅读等基础技能进行系统归纳梳理,讲解词汇语法记忆与运用,帮助学员夯实英语基础,为提高强化班的听课效率及个人成绩打下基础。 | 英语基础明显薄弱或零基础,需要提高自学能力,缺乏学习方法和复习规划的学员 | 详细 |
考研政治 | 针对本年度的考研政治作出整体规划,对于考研政治马原理、毛中特、史纲、思修法基、时政当代中考点所涉及到的基本概念进行梳理和讲解,为提高强化班的听课效率及个人成绩打下基础。 | 政治基础薄弱的学员;对大学期间所学政治课程基本没有印象,考研政治缺乏学习方法和复习规划的学员 | 详细 |
考研数学 | 针对本年度的考研数学作出整体规划,讲解高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计中基本概念、基本理论和方法,让学员了解考研基本题型及要求,为提高强化班的听课效率及个人成绩打下基础。 | 数学基础薄弱,需要提高自学能力,缺乏学习方法和复习规划的学员 | 详细 |
班级名称 | 课程内容 | 适合学员 | 详细 |
考研英语政治基础强化集训营 | 在短期内提供考研英语政治集中式复习辅导,封闭式教学管理,全程配备助教,进行学习监督、测评、答疑等。帮助学生从基础知识到解题技巧逐渐提高,掌握重点,突破难点,增强应试能力。 | 适用于基础薄弱,英语需要从词汇语法开始提高、政治需要从基础知识到解题技巧的学员; | 详细 |
考研英语政治数学基础强化集训营 | 在短期内提供考研政治数学集中式复习辅导,封闭式教学管理,全程配备助教,进行学习监督、测评、答疑等。帮助学生从基础知识到解题技巧逐渐提高,掌握重点,突破难点,增强应试能力。 | 适用于基础薄弱,英语需要从词汇语法开始提高、政治需要从基础知识到解题技巧的学员。 | 详细 |
班级名称 | 课程内容 | 适合学员 | 详细 |
四级基础强化全程班 | 包含四级基础、强化、冲刺走读班、四级模考串讲班、四级写作点睛班等课程内容。 | 适用于希望打牢基础知识,学习一些时态、语态掌握等基础知识的学员。 | 详细 |
班级名称 | 课程内容 | 适合学员 | 详细 |
六级基础强化全程班 | 包含六级词汇走读班、六级基础强化全程走读班(精听精读)、六级冲刺班、六级模考串讲班、六级词汇串讲班、六级写作点睛班的课程内容。 | 适用于希望打牢基础知识,学习一些时态、语态掌握等基础知识的学员。 | 详细 |