

  III. 阅读技能(三部分,共25⼩题,计50分)第⼀节 图标理解 阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A/B/C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句⼦。(共5⼩题,计10分)


  ( )41. Who can join the summer camp?

  A. A 13-year-old junior school student.

  B. A child and his parent

  C. A 7-year-old pupil

  ( )42. The student can enjoy the following courses EXCEPT .

  A. arts B. crafts C. history


  Dalian Summer Beer Festival

  Dalian, Liaoning, China July 30-Aug 13, 2017 Description:

  Dalian is known for fashion, soccer and ocean. But when summer comes along. It’s time for beer. The Da Summer Beer Festival is one of the most modern and popular festival festivals in China. Locals and visitors enjoy active days, and lots of beer filled summer nights. Every year, millions of visitors join the party on Asia’s largest public square, Xinghai Square, beside Bohai Bay. Over 200 brands are on tap, from China and abroad.

  Location: Xinghai Squre

  Opening time: 6:00 pm Friday; 10:00 am both Saturday & Sunday

  Parking: ¥3 per hour

  Ticket: Adult ¥20;Children under 1.2m are FREE

  Website: http://www.DalianBeerfestival .com

  Telephone: 830-276-3323

  Email: SummerBeerFestival@163.com

  ( )43. Where could you probably read this passage?

  A. In a newspaper B. In a novel C. In a textbook ( )44. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. The opening time of festival.

  B. The price of parking cars.

  C. The price of taking a train there

  ( )45. If a 1-meter-tall boy and his parents take part in the festival, how much will they pay? A. ¥20 B. ¥40 C. ¥60

  第⼆节 短⽂理解 阅读下列短⽂,从每题所给的A/B/C三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句



  When my son, Justin, was four, he found a caterpillar(⽑⽑⾍)and put it in a box. Each day he fed it fresh grass and leaves . In a few weeks, the caterpillar became fat and was ready to sleep. One morning we found discovered the caterpillar wrapped in a cocoon(茧). Justin was excited. He knew a moth(飞蛾)or butterfly was going to be born . He lead me to his room.The cocoon had become clear, and we could see the wings(翅膀) inside . A few days later, a beautiful black moth broke free from its cocoon and began to lay eggs on the grass.The next day, Justin set the moth free. He took the it outside and opened the jar, and the little moth flew out. It circled around the yard twice, came back, and landed on Justin’s arm. He picked it up, threw it in the air, and it came back again. He tried over and over to set it free, but each time it would return to his arm. After a few return fights to his arm, the moth finally flew off into the tall grass.

  I believe the moth, just like a person, was afraid to leave what it was comfortable with. It wanted to stay with something familiar and was scared to move on and experience new things.I was once that little moth.I was once scared to move.But, if we hadn’t moved, I would not have been able to watch my wonderful son experience the circle of life.

  46.What did Justin find and put in a jar?

  A. A moth B. A butterfly C.A caterpillar

  47. What does the underlined word “wrapped”mean in Chinese ?

  A. 包裹 B.消失 C.蠕动

  48. Which of the following is NOT TRUE ?

  A. Justin fed the caterpillar fresh grass and leaves every day.

  B.The moth didn’t fly off into the tall glass .

  C.Justin opened the jar and let the month fly away.

  49. Why did the moth come back to Justin again and again ? 

      A.Because it was afraid to leave a familiar place .

  B.Because it couldn’t find tall glass

  C.Because it loved Justin and didn’t want to leave.

  50. What does the writer want to tell us ?

  A.If we move on ,we will not feel scared.

  B.Everyone will experience the cycle of life.

  C.We should be brave and try new things.


  Everyone knows it is hard to master a second language. How about using it to debate(辩论)? When we were studying a chapter on DNA, Mr. Kwak, the science teacher, told us to prepare for a debate. I was a little anxious. We found that our opponent(对⼿) group was filled with native English-speaking students, while there was only one American boy in our group. However, we didn’t dread the challenge. Our topic was“Should college accept students based on their DNA traits(特征)?” We opposed this thought. I took a deep breath and took the role of Q&A. When I went back to the dorm, I asked for help from an experienced debater in college. He taught me how to express ideas, search for information on different websites and list the points.

  After a week’s preparation, I stood on the stage with a well-thought plan in my mind. Then I noticed that the hope of our group, the American boy, was sick that day. His position of first speaker was empty. I had to take his position and rearrange(重新安排) my materials and data. Before the debate, I kept asking myself what if I can’t understand what they are saying, and what if they include some idioms that I don’t even know. I was trembling(发抖). But when I stood in front of the whole class, I saw trust and encouragement from my group members. I started to cool down. I fluently stated our opinion and asked questions. When our opponents had their opening speech, I wrote down some points to retort(反驳) them. Although Mr. Kwak didn’t tell me who won the debate, I believe I already learned a lot. Never lose confidence and you will surely win.

  51.Why did the write feel worried about the debate? A.Because her English was not good.

  B.Because she knew nothing about debate skills.

  C.Because her group has only one native speaker.

  52.What does the underlined word “dread” in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese?

  A.接受 B. 害怕 C. 厌恶

  53.What did the write do to prepare for the debate? A.He asked for help from her teacher.

  B.He learned some English idioms.

  C.He searched information on the Internet.

  54.The writer became calm when .

  A.She found one of her group members was sick

  B.She saw support from her group members

  C.She could understand her opponents

  55.What does the writer want to tell us?

  A.We should never lose confidence in the face of challenges.

  B.Nobody can succeed without friends’ support.

  C.We need to prepare a lot before a debate.


  When your father comes home from work, you can easily tell if he smoked a lot during the day even though he doesn't have a cigarette in his hand. Why is that? It is because of something known as“third-hand smoke”.

  You might know about the term“second-hand smoke”, but do you know what“third-hand smoke”is? When someone has finished smoking, toxic(有毒的)chemicals(物质), stick to their hair, clothes, cars, furniture. These chemicals can hang around long after second-hand smoke has cleared from a room, and can still be found by the nose, according to The New York Times. “your nose isn't lying,” said Professor Jonathan

  Winickoff at Harvard Medical School, US. “The stuff is so toxic that your brain is telling you: ‘get away’.”

  However, few people think about the risks of third-hand smoke. They don't think that breathing air in a room today where people smoked yesterday, can harm your health. But it is dangerous, especially for children. Scientists say that developing brains can be harmed easily even by a small amount of toxins (毒素)in the air. For example, among the 250 toxic chemicals found in cigarette smoke, one of them is lead, and the study shows contact to a tiny amount of lead in the air can lower your IQ. “simply closing the kitchen door to smoke is not protecting kids enough,”Said Philip Landrigan, head of the Children's Environmental Health Center in New York. He suggested that parents should always smoke outside to keep their children away from third-hand smoke.

  56.What is “third-hand smoke”according to the passage?

  A.The smoke coming from the cigarette in the smoker's hand.

  B. The smoke that hangs around in a room after smoking.

  C. Toxic chemicals left over on people's hair, clothes, cars, furniture.

  57.What does the underlines word“risks”mean in Chinese?

  A. 来源 B. 危险 C. 构成

  58.Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.Even a small number of toxins in the air can harm developing brains.

  B.Lead is the worst among all of the 250 toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke.

  C.People with high IQ must have experienced too much lead.

  59.According to the passage, as for parents, how to protect their kids from third-hand smoke? A.Closing the kitchen door.

  B.Smoke outside.

  C.Third-hand smoke can harm people's health.

  60.What's the main idea of the passage? A.Smoking is bad for smokers' health.

  B.We should keep kids away from cigarettes.

  C.Third-hand smoke can harm people's health.

  三.阅读表达 阅读下⾯的短⽂,然后根据短⽂内容回答问题。(共5⼩题,计10分)

  Are you Irish? That’ s OK. Most people who celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day aren’t. Every year on March

  17, hundreds of thousands of people celebrate this Irish holiday all over the world. There are parades (游⾏) in New York , Quebec, London, Seoul and Tokyo. There are all- night parties in Argentina. People drink and have fun in the streets of Australia and New Zealand. And of course, there’s some celebrating in Ireland, too.

  What is Saint Patrick’s Day? Saint Patrick ( or “St Patrick”) was a priest (牧师)hundreds of years ago who converted (改变信仰) many Irish people to Christianity (基督教). He was actually born in Britain, but he has become an important hero in Irish culture. There are many stories about him. For example, he killed all the snakes in Ireland, Saint Patrick’s Day is a religious(宗教的)holiday used to remember him, but today, it is also a day for celebrating Ireland and Irish culture in general.

  So how do people celebrate it? The most common way is to wear something green. Green is one of the colors of the Irish flag, and Ireland is famous for its beautiful green countryside. If you forget to wear green, you may get pinched(捏掐)because pinching people who forgot to wear green is another Saint Patrick’s tradition. But perhaps the second-most common way to celebrate, if you’re over 18, is to drink lots and lots of Irish beer.

  61.When is Saint Patrick’s Day?

  62.How do people in Argentina celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day?

  63.Where was Saint Patrick born?

  64.Why do people wear something green on Saint Patrick’s Day in Ireland?

  65.Can a teenager drink some Irish beer to celebrate the holiday?

  IV. 写作技能(三部分,共11⼩题,计30分)第⼀节 语篇翻译 阅读下⾯的短⽂,将划线部分译成英⽂或中⽂。(共5⼩题,计10分)

  Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude(态度). A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. 66. They can have more chances to make themselves successful. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:

  Speak loudly When you are not confident, you can't do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. 67. Try to speak louder so that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you become more confident.

  Play sports Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. 68. 拥有强壮的⾝体对你来说很重要。A strong body helps you be full of confidence.

  Encourage yourself Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you've done.

  Get rid of (消除)fear Fear comes along with failure(失败). 69. 你知道怎么消除恐惧吗?if you know that failure is part of your life. Don't hide your head just because you said something stupid last time. Try to start again and believe you can do better.

  Pick up what you like to do 70. If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you outstanding. And it will make you happy and confident.






  第⼆节 情景交际 通读下⾯的对话。 根据上下⽂补全对话内容。 (共5⼩题,计10分)

  A: Hello, Lucy.

  B: Hello, Jack. How ‘s it going?

  A: Not bad! 71._____________________________?

  B: I’m going to watch a movie. But I don’t know which one to choose.

  A: 72.______________________________?

  B: I like comedies very much..

  A: Let me see. Emm...73.______________________________? B: Never say die.? Is it funny?

  A: Yes. It is the funnest movie that I have ever seen..

  B: Sounds good! I’ll go to Baoli Cinema to enjoy it.

  A: Baoli Cinema? Oh, I almost forget to tell you that this movie is only on at Wanda cinema now.

  B: Wanda Cinema? 74.__________________________________?

  A: You can take No. 3 bus ride.

  B. 75.__________________________________?

  A.It’s only about 15- minute bus ride.

  B:Oh, it;s not so far. I ‘ll go now. Thank you very much. A. You’re welcome.

  三. 书⾯翻译(计10分)



  Dear Jim,

  I’m so glad to hear from you. As a new learner in junior high school, you will meet different kinds of difficulties in your school life.________________________________________________
















2018-09-18 来源: 网络整理 作者: 长晓习




  III. 阅读技能(三部分,共25⼩题,计50分)第⼀节 图标理解 阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A/B/C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句⼦。(共5⼩题,计10分)


  ( )41. Who can join the summer camp?

  A. A 13-year-old junior school student.

  B. A child and his parent

  C. A 7-year-old pupil

  ( )42. The student can enjoy the following courses EXCEPT .

  A. arts B. crafts C. history


  Dalian Summer Beer Festival

  Dalian, Liaoning, China July 30-Aug 13, 2017 Description:

  Dalian is known for fashion, soccer and ocean. But when summer comes along. It’s time for beer. The Da Summer Beer Festival is one of the most modern and popular festival festivals in China. Locals and visitors enjoy active days, and lots of beer filled summer nights. Every year, millions of visitors join the party on Asia’s largest public square, Xinghai Square, beside Bohai Bay. Over 200 brands are on tap, from China and abroad.

  Location: Xinghai Squre

  Opening time: 6:00 pm Friday; 10:00 am both Saturday & Sunday

  Parking: ¥3 per hour

  Ticket: Adult ¥20;Children under 1.2m are FREE

  Website: http://www.DalianBeerfestival .com

  Telephone: 830-276-3323

  Email: SummerBeerFestival@163.com

  ( )43. Where could you probably read this passage?

  A. In a newspaper B. In a novel C. In a textbook ( )44. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. The opening time of festival.

  B. The price of parking cars.

  C. The price of taking a train there

  ( )45. If a 1-meter-tall boy and his parents take part in the festival, how much will they pay? A. ¥20 B. ¥40 C. ¥60

  第⼆节 短⽂理解 阅读下列短⽂,从每题所给的A/B/C三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句



  When my son, Justin, was four, he found a caterpillar(⽑⽑⾍)and put it in a box. Each day he fed it fresh grass and leaves . In a few weeks, the caterpillar became fat and was ready to sleep. One morning we found discovered the caterpillar wrapped in a cocoon(茧). Justin was excited. He knew a moth(飞蛾)or butterfly was going to be born . He lead me to his room.The cocoon had become clear, and we could see the wings(翅膀) inside . A few days later, a beautiful black moth broke free from its cocoon and began to lay eggs on the grass.The next day, Justin set the moth free. He took the it outside and opened the jar, and the little moth flew out. It circled around the yard twice, came back, and landed on Justin’s arm. He picked it up, threw it in the air, and it came back again. He tried over and over to set it free, but each time it would return to his arm. After a few return fights to his arm, the moth finally flew off into the tall grass.

  I believe the moth, just like a person, was afraid to leave what it was comfortable with. It wanted to stay with something familiar and was scared to move on and experience new things.I was once that little moth.I was once scared to move.But, if we hadn’t moved, I would not have been able to watch my wonderful son experience the circle of life.

  46.What did Justin find and put in a jar?

  A. A moth B. A butterfly C.A caterpillar

  47. What does the underlined word “wrapped”mean in Chinese ?

  A. 包裹 B.消失 C.蠕动

  48. Which of the following is NOT TRUE ?

  A. Justin fed the caterpillar fresh grass and leaves every day.

  B.The moth didn’t fly off into the tall glass .

  C.Justin opened the jar and let the month fly away.

  49. Why did the moth come back to Justin again and again ? 

      A.Because it was afraid to leave a familiar place .

  B.Because it couldn’t find tall glass

  C.Because it loved Justin and didn’t want to leave.

  50. What does the writer want to tell us ?

  A.If we move on ,we will not feel scared.

  B.Everyone will experience the cycle of life.

  C.We should be brave and try new things.


  Everyone knows it is hard to master a second language. How about using it to debate(辩论)? When we were studying a chapter on DNA, Mr. Kwak, the science teacher, told us to prepare for a debate. I was a little anxious. We found that our opponent(对⼿) group was filled with native English-speaking students, while there was only one American boy in our group. However, we didn’t dread the challenge. Our topic was“Should college accept students based on their DNA traits(特征)?” We opposed this thought. I took a deep breath and took the role of Q&A. When I went back to the dorm, I asked for help from an experienced debater in college. He taught me how to express ideas, search for information on different websites and list the points.

  After a week’s preparation, I stood on the stage with a well-thought plan in my mind. Then I noticed that the hope of our group, the American boy, was sick that day. His position of first speaker was empty. I had to take his position and rearrange(重新安排) my materials and data. Before the debate, I kept asking myself what if I can’t understand what they are saying, and what if they include some idioms that I don’t even know. I was trembling(发抖). But when I stood in front of the whole class, I saw trust and encouragement from my group members. I started to cool down. I fluently stated our opinion and asked questions. When our opponents had their opening speech, I wrote down some points to retort(反驳) them. Although Mr. Kwak didn’t tell me who won the debate, I believe I already learned a lot. Never lose confidence and you will surely win.

  51.Why did the write feel worried about the debate? A.Because her English was not good.

  B.Because she knew nothing about debate skills.

  C.Because her group has only one native speaker.

  52.What does the underlined word “dread” in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese?

  A.接受 B. 害怕 C. 厌恶

  53.What did the write do to prepare for the debate? A.He asked for help from her teacher.

  B.He learned some English idioms.

  C.He searched information on the Internet.

  54.The writer became calm when .

  A.She found one of her group members was sick

  B.She saw support from her group members

  C.She could understand her opponents

  55.What does the writer want to tell us?

  A.We should never lose confidence in the face of challenges.

  B.Nobody can succeed without friends’ support.

  C.We need to prepare a lot before a debate.


  When your father comes home from work, you can easily tell if he smoked a lot during the day even though he doesn't have a cigarette in his hand. Why is that? It is because of something known as“third-hand smoke”.

  You might know about the term“second-hand smoke”, but do you know what“third-hand smoke”is? When someone has finished smoking, toxic(有毒的)chemicals(物质), stick to their hair, clothes, cars, furniture. These chemicals can hang around long after second-hand smoke has cleared from a room, and can still be found by the nose, according to The New York Times. “your nose isn't lying,” said Professor Jonathan

  Winickoff at Harvard Medical School, US. “The stuff is so toxic that your brain is telling you: ‘get away’.”

  However, few people think about the risks of third-hand smoke. They don't think that breathing air in a room today where people smoked yesterday, can harm your health. But it is dangerous, especially for children. Scientists say that developing brains can be harmed easily even by a small amount of toxins (毒素)in the air. For example, among the 250 toxic chemicals found in cigarette smoke, one of them is lead, and the study shows contact to a tiny amount of lead in the air can lower your IQ. “simply closing the kitchen door to smoke is not protecting kids enough,”Said Philip Landrigan, head of the Children's Environmental Health Center in New York. He suggested that parents should always smoke outside to keep their children away from third-hand smoke.

  56.What is “third-hand smoke”according to the passage?

  A.The smoke coming from the cigarette in the smoker's hand.

  B. The smoke that hangs around in a room after smoking.

  C. Toxic chemicals left over on people's hair, clothes, cars, furniture.

  57.What does the underlines word“risks”mean in Chinese?

  A. 来源 B. 危险 C. 构成

  58.Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.Even a small number of toxins in the air can harm developing brains.

  B.Lead is the worst among all of the 250 toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke.

  C.People with high IQ must have experienced too much lead.

  59.According to the passage, as for parents, how to protect their kids from third-hand smoke? A.Closing the kitchen door.

  B.Smoke outside.

  C.Third-hand smoke can harm people's health.

  60.What's the main idea of the passage? A.Smoking is bad for smokers' health.

  B.We should keep kids away from cigarettes.

  C.Third-hand smoke can harm people's health.

  三.阅读表达 阅读下⾯的短⽂,然后根据短⽂内容回答问题。(共5⼩题,计10分)

  Are you Irish? That’ s OK. Most people who celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day aren’t. Every year on March

  17, hundreds of thousands of people celebrate this Irish holiday all over the world. There are parades (游⾏) in New York , Quebec, London, Seoul and Tokyo. There are all- night parties in Argentina. People drink and have fun in the streets of Australia and New Zealand. And of course, there’s some celebrating in Ireland, too.

  What is Saint Patrick’s Day? Saint Patrick ( or “St Patrick”) was a priest (牧师)hundreds of years ago who converted (改变信仰) many Irish people to Christianity (基督教). He was actually born in Britain, but he has become an important hero in Irish culture. There are many stories about him. For example, he killed all the snakes in Ireland, Saint Patrick’s Day is a religious(宗教的)holiday used to remember him, but today, it is also a day for celebrating Ireland and Irish culture in general.

  So how do people celebrate it? The most common way is to wear something green. Green is one of the colors of the Irish flag, and Ireland is famous for its beautiful green countryside. If you forget to wear green, you may get pinched(捏掐)because pinching people who forgot to wear green is another Saint Patrick’s tradition. But perhaps the second-most common way to celebrate, if you’re over 18, is to drink lots and lots of Irish beer.

  61.When is Saint Patrick’s Day?

  62.How do people in Argentina celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day?

  63.Where was Saint Patrick born?

  64.Why do people wear something green on Saint Patrick’s Day in Ireland?

  65.Can a teenager drink some Irish beer to celebrate the holiday?

  IV. 写作技能(三部分,共11⼩题,计30分)第⼀节 语篇翻译 阅读下⾯的短⽂,将划线部分译成英⽂或中⽂。(共5⼩题,计10分)

  Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude(态度). A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. 66. They can have more chances to make themselves successful. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:

  Speak loudly When you are not confident, you can't do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. 67. Try to speak louder so that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you become more confident.

  Play sports Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. 68. 拥有强壮的⾝体对你来说很重要。A strong body helps you be full of confidence.

  Encourage yourself Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you've done.

  Get rid of (消除)fear Fear comes along with failure(失败). 69. 你知道怎么消除恐惧吗?if you know that failure is part of your life. Don't hide your head just because you said something stupid last time. Try to start again and believe you can do better.

  Pick up what you like to do 70. If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you outstanding. And it will make you happy and confident.






  第⼆节 情景交际 通读下⾯的对话。 根据上下⽂补全对话内容。 (共5⼩题,计10分)

  A: Hello, Lucy.

  B: Hello, Jack. How ‘s it going?

  A: Not bad! 71._____________________________?

  B: I’m going to watch a movie. But I don’t know which one to choose.

  A: 72.______________________________?

  B: I like comedies very much..

  A: Let me see. Emm...73.______________________________? B: Never say die.? Is it funny?

  A: Yes. It is the funnest movie that I have ever seen..

  B: Sounds good! I’ll go to Baoli Cinema to enjoy it.

  A: Baoli Cinema? Oh, I almost forget to tell you that this movie is only on at Wanda cinema now.

  B: Wanda Cinema? 74.__________________________________?

  A: You can take No. 3 bus ride.

  B. 75.__________________________________?

  A.It’s only about 15- minute bus ride.

  B:Oh, it;s not so far. I ‘ll go now. Thank you very much. A. You’re welcome.

  三. 书⾯翻译(计10分)



  Dear Jim,

  I’m so glad to hear from you. As a new learner in junior high school, you will meet different kinds of difficulties in your school life.________________________________________________



















课程名称 课程内容 适合学员 课程详细
初一英语 初一培优型课程,选择经典的新概念一册作为初一年级培优型课程教材,期间结合大量的听力口语能力练习,培养孩子的听说能力。 1、英语成绩优秀的初一学员
初一数学 该课程主要为七年级下册和八年级上册前半部分的同步训练加难度提升,适合基础比较好的初一学生。在课程的设计上,分层次地讲述基础知识点及其综合应用,在巩固基础的同时,加强难度的训练。 1、数学成绩优秀的初一学员
初一语文 以初一上学期的语文重点、难点知识为载体,利用优能独特的教学法,通过深入浅出的讲解帮助学员在初中开始阶段继续保持并提升优秀的学习成绩。 1、想学习初一上学期重点难点的知识学生
初二英语 初二尖子培优型课程,对于新概念二册1-12课进行知识点的全面复习并在原有知识基础上进行巩固和加深,拓展高级写作句型给出真实语言情景,帮助学生全方位拓展英语综合能力的提升。 1、英语成绩优秀的的新初二学员
初二数学 在教材知识的学习之上,对于重难点进行深入的了解和探究,加入名校考题以及竞赛试题,让学员掌握书本知识的同时拓展思维,强化数学解题的思维与方法。 1、数学成绩优秀的的新初二学员
初二语文 总结复习初一语文在中考考纲中的知识点,预热初二语文所占中考的考点,以及对文言文阅读基本方法的了解和掌握。同时着力于加深学生对社科、人文的兴趣与了解。 1、语文成绩优秀的的新初二学员
初二物理 本课程针对刚刚初一升初二的学生,讲授初二物理预科内容;课程主要分为运动,声,光,物态变化等版块。通过学习本册的知识模块培养学生的物理思维方式。 1、想学习初二上学期重点难点的知识学生
中考英语 中考培优型课程,配给语法、完型、阅读、写作、听力和口语各个板块的综合练习,各个击破学员的考试障碍;配合以中考中高难度习题,通过解析四大名校月考,期中,期末试卷以及中考真题阶梯式的学习题型帮助学员提升成绩。 1、英语成绩优秀的初二升初三学员
中考数学 一部分为压轴题目的训练,帮助学员解决压轴题,拿高分;另一部分为初三的重难点知识的预科学习,让学员在中考中拿下高分打下坚实的基础。 1、数学成绩优秀的初二升初三学员。
中考语文 总结复习初中语文在中考考纲中的知识点,并结合课内外例题巩固复习;侧重阅读题型识别与概括,并结合课内外名著,引导作文高效写法。 1、语文成绩优秀的初二升初三学员
中考物理 课程内容主要是力学和热学两部分内容,帮助学生巩固中考中的重要模块—力学。力学题目的设置贴近中考难度;后半部分课程会预习初三的热学知识,提前帮助学生理解抽象的热学概 1、物理成绩中等或中等偏下的初二升初三学员
中考化学 巩固并扎实掌握九年级上册重难点:化学反应原理、计算及化学实验等部分内容,达到高级理解与运用的等级。帮助学员提高化学学习兴趣,掌握正确学习化学的方法。 1、学成绩优秀的初二升初三学员


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2018-09-18 来源:网络整理 作者:长晓习




  III. 阅读技能(三部分,共25⼩题,计50分)第⼀节 图标理解 阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A/B/C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句⼦。(共5⼩题,计10分)


  ( )41. Who can join the summer camp?

  A. A 13-year-old junior school student.

  B. A child and his parent

  C. A 7-year-old pupil

  ( )42. The student can enjoy the following courses EXCEPT .

  A. arts B. crafts C. history


  Dalian Summer Beer Festival

  Dalian, Liaoning, China July 30-Aug 13, 2017 Description:

  Dalian is known for fashion, soccer and ocean. But when summer comes along. It’s time for beer. The Da Summer Beer Festival is one of the most modern and popular festival festivals in China. Locals and visitors enjoy active days, and lots of beer filled summer nights. Every year, millions of visitors join the party on Asia’s largest public square, Xinghai Square, beside Bohai Bay. Over 200 brands are on tap, from China and abroad.

  Location: Xinghai Squre

  Opening time: 6:00 pm Friday; 10:00 am both Saturday & Sunday

  Parking: ¥3 per hour

  Ticket: Adult ¥20;Children under 1.2m are FREE

  Website: http://www.DalianBeerfestival .com

  Telephone: 830-276-3323

  Email: SummerBeerFestival@163.com

  ( )43. Where could you probably read this passage?

  A. In a newspaper B. In a novel C. In a textbook ( )44. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. The opening time of festival.

  B. The price of parking cars.

  C. The price of taking a train there

  ( )45. If a 1-meter-tall boy and his parents take part in the festival, how much will they pay? A. ¥20 B. ¥40 C. ¥60

  第⼆节 短⽂理解 阅读下列短⽂,从每题所给的A/B/C三个选项中选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句



  When my son, Justin, was four, he found a caterpillar(⽑⽑⾍)and put it in a box. Each day he fed it fresh grass and leaves . In a few weeks, the caterpillar became fat and was ready to sleep. One morning we found discovered the caterpillar wrapped in a cocoon(茧). Justin was excited. He knew a moth(飞蛾)or butterfly was going to be born . He lead me to his room.The cocoon had become clear, and we could see the wings(翅膀) inside . A few days later, a beautiful black moth broke free from its cocoon and began to lay eggs on the grass.The next day, Justin set the moth free. He took the it outside and opened the jar, and the little moth flew out. It circled around the yard twice, came back, and landed on Justin’s arm. He picked it up, threw it in the air, and it came back again. He tried over and over to set it free, but each time it would return to his arm. After a few return fights to his arm, the moth finally flew off into the tall grass.

  I believe the moth, just like a person, was afraid to leave what it was comfortable with. It wanted to stay with something familiar and was scared to move on and experience new things.I was once that little moth.I was once scared to move.But, if we hadn’t moved, I would not have been able to watch my wonderful son experience the circle of life.

  46.What did Justin find and put in a jar?

  A. A moth B. A butterfly C.A caterpillar

  47. What does the underlined word “wrapped”mean in Chinese ?

  A. 包裹 B.消失 C.蠕动

  48. Which of the following is NOT TRUE ?

  A. Justin fed the caterpillar fresh grass and leaves every day.

  B.The moth didn’t fly off into the tall glass .

  C.Justin opened the jar and let the month fly away.

  49. Why did the moth come back to Justin again and again ? 

      A.Because it was afraid to leave a familiar place .

  B.Because it couldn’t find tall glass

  C.Because it loved Justin and didn’t want to leave.

  50. What does the writer want to tell us ?

  A.If we move on ,we will not feel scared.

  B.Everyone will experience the cycle of life.

  C.We should be brave and try new things.


  Everyone knows it is hard to master a second language. How about using it to debate(辩论)? When we were studying a chapter on DNA, Mr. Kwak, the science teacher, told us to prepare for a debate. I was a little anxious. We found that our opponent(对⼿) group was filled with native English-speaking students, while there was only one American boy in our group. However, we didn’t dread the challenge. Our topic was“Should college accept students based on their DNA traits(特征)?” We opposed this thought. I took a deep breath and took the role of Q&A. When I went back to the dorm, I asked for help from an experienced debater in college. He taught me how to express ideas, search for information on different websites and list the points.

  After a week’s preparation, I stood on the stage with a well-thought plan in my mind. Then I noticed that the hope of our group, the American boy, was sick that day. His position of first speaker was empty. I had to take his position and rearrange(重新安排) my materials and data. Before the debate, I kept asking myself what if I can’t understand what they are saying, and what if they include some idioms that I don’t even know. I was trembling(发抖). But when I stood in front of the whole class, I saw trust and encouragement from my group members. I started to cool down. I fluently stated our opinion and asked questions. When our opponents had their opening speech, I wrote down some points to retort(反驳) them. Although Mr. Kwak didn’t tell me who won the debate, I believe I already learned a lot. Never lose confidence and you will surely win.

  51.Why did the write feel worried about the debate? A.Because her English was not good.

  B.Because she knew nothing about debate skills.

  C.Because her group has only one native speaker.

  52.What does the underlined word “dread” in Paragraph 1 mean in Chinese?

  A.接受 B. 害怕 C. 厌恶

  53.What did the write do to prepare for the debate? A.He asked for help from her teacher.

  B.He learned some English idioms.

  C.He searched information on the Internet.

  54.The writer became calm when .

  A.She found one of her group members was sick

  B.She saw support from her group members

  C.She could understand her opponents

  55.What does the writer want to tell us?

  A.We should never lose confidence in the face of challenges.

  B.Nobody can succeed without friends’ support.

  C.We need to prepare a lot before a debate.


  When your father comes home from work, you can easily tell if he smoked a lot during the day even though he doesn't have a cigarette in his hand. Why is that? It is because of something known as“third-hand smoke”.

  You might know about the term“second-hand smoke”, but do you know what“third-hand smoke”is? When someone has finished smoking, toxic(有毒的)chemicals(物质), stick to their hair, clothes, cars, furniture. These chemicals can hang around long after second-hand smoke has cleared from a room, and can still be found by the nose, according to The New York Times. “your nose isn't lying,” said Professor Jonathan

  Winickoff at Harvard Medical School, US. “The stuff is so toxic that your brain is telling you: ‘get away’.”

  However, few people think about the risks of third-hand smoke. They don't think that breathing air in a room today where people smoked yesterday, can harm your health. But it is dangerous, especially for children. Scientists say that developing brains can be harmed easily even by a small amount of toxins (毒素)in the air. For example, among the 250 toxic chemicals found in cigarette smoke, one of them is lead, and the study shows contact to a tiny amount of lead in the air can lower your IQ. “simply closing the kitchen door to smoke is not protecting kids enough,”Said Philip Landrigan, head of the Children's Environmental Health Center in New York. He suggested that parents should always smoke outside to keep their children away from third-hand smoke.

  56.What is “third-hand smoke”according to the passage?

  A.The smoke coming from the cigarette in the smoker's hand.

  B. The smoke that hangs around in a room after smoking.

  C. Toxic chemicals left over on people's hair, clothes, cars, furniture.

  57.What does the underlines word“risks”mean in Chinese?

  A. 来源 B. 危险 C. 构成

  58.Which of the following is TRUE?

  A.Even a small number of toxins in the air can harm developing brains.

  B.Lead is the worst among all of the 250 toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke.

  C.People with high IQ must have experienced too much lead.

  59.According to the passage, as for parents, how to protect their kids from third-hand smoke? A.Closing the kitchen door.

  B.Smoke outside.

  C.Third-hand smoke can harm people's health.

  60.What's the main idea of the passage? A.Smoking is bad for smokers' health.

  B.We should keep kids away from cigarettes.

  C.Third-hand smoke can harm people's health.

  三.阅读表达 阅读下⾯的短⽂,然后根据短⽂内容回答问题。(共5⼩题,计10分)

  Are you Irish? That’ s OK. Most people who celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day aren’t. Every year on March

  17, hundreds of thousands of people celebrate this Irish holiday all over the world. There are parades (游⾏) in New York , Quebec, London, Seoul and Tokyo. There are all- night parties in Argentina. People drink and have fun in the streets of Australia and New Zealand. And of course, there’s some celebrating in Ireland, too.

  What is Saint Patrick’s Day? Saint Patrick ( or “St Patrick”) was a priest (牧师)hundreds of years ago who converted (改变信仰) many Irish people to Christianity (基督教). He was actually born in Britain, but he has become an important hero in Irish culture. There are many stories about him. For example, he killed all the snakes in Ireland, Saint Patrick’s Day is a religious(宗教的)holiday used to remember him, but today, it is also a day for celebrating Ireland and Irish culture in general.

  So how do people celebrate it? The most common way is to wear something green. Green is one of the colors of the Irish flag, and Ireland is famous for its beautiful green countryside. If you forget to wear green, you may get pinched(捏掐)because pinching people who forgot to wear green is another Saint Patrick’s tradition. But perhaps the second-most common way to celebrate, if you’re over 18, is to drink lots and lots of Irish beer.

  61.When is Saint Patrick’s Day?

  62.How do people in Argentina celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day?

  63.Where was Saint Patrick born?

  64.Why do people wear something green on Saint Patrick’s Day in Ireland?

  65.Can a teenager drink some Irish beer to celebrate the holiday?

  IV. 写作技能(三部分,共11⼩题,计30分)第⼀节 语篇翻译 阅读下⾯的短⽂,将划线部分译成英⽂或中⽂。(共5⼩题,计10分)

  Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude(态度). A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. 66. They can have more chances to make themselves successful. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:

  Speak loudly When you are not confident, you can't do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. 67. Try to speak louder so that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you become more confident.

  Play sports Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. 68. 拥有强壮的⾝体对你来说很重要。A strong body helps you be full of confidence.

  Encourage yourself Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you've done.

  Get rid of (消除)fear Fear comes along with failure(失败). 69. 你知道怎么消除恐惧吗?if you know that failure is part of your life. Don't hide your head just because you said something stupid last time. Try to start again and believe you can do better.

  Pick up what you like to do 70. If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you outstanding. And it will make you happy and confident.






  第⼆节 情景交际 通读下⾯的对话。 根据上下⽂补全对话内容。 (共5⼩题,计10分)

  A: Hello, Lucy.

  B: Hello, Jack. How ‘s it going?

  A: Not bad! 71._____________________________?

  B: I’m going to watch a movie. But I don’t know which one to choose.

  A: 72.______________________________?

  B: I like comedies very much..

  A: Let me see. Emm...73.______________________________? B: Never say die.? Is it funny?

  A: Yes. It is the funnest movie that I have ever seen..

  B: Sounds good! I’ll go to Baoli Cinema to enjoy it.

  A: Baoli Cinema? Oh, I almost forget to tell you that this movie is only on at Wanda cinema now.

  B: Wanda Cinema? 74.__________________________________?

  A: You can take No. 3 bus ride.

  B. 75.__________________________________?

  A.It’s only about 15- minute bus ride.

  B:Oh, it;s not so far. I ‘ll go now. Thank you very much. A. You’re welcome.

  三. 书⾯翻译(计10分)



  Dear Jim,

  I’m so glad to hear from you. As a new learner in junior high school, you will meet different kinds of difficulties in your school life.________________________________________________

















初一 初二 初三
班级名称 课程介绍 课程咨询
初一语文 以初一语文重点、难点知识为载体,通过深入浅出的讲解,帮助学员在初中开始阶段打好基础。
初一数学 分层次地讲述初一数学基础知识点及其综合应用,在巩固基础的同时,加强训练难度。
初一英语 初一培优型课程,课程结合大量的听力口语能力练习,培养孩子的听说能力。
班级名称 课程介绍 课程咨询
初二语文 总结复习初一语文知识点,预热初二语文所占中考的考点,加深学生对社科、人文的了解。
初二数学 在教材知识的学习之上,对于重难点进行深入的了解和探究,强化数学解题的思维与方法。
初二英语 在英语知识基础上进行巩固和加深,拓展高级写作句型,帮助学生全方位拓展英语综合能力。
班级名称 课程介绍 课程咨询
初三语文 立足于长沙中考,学习掌握初中语文答题技巧,加强阅读和写作能力。
初三数学 对标长沙中考能力要求,强化计算能力,锻炼数学思维以及解题技巧。
初三英语 培养学生英语学习兴趣,提升中考核心词汇量、阅读能力与听力水平。
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