





Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage and supplementary material.

A Life in Traffic

A subway system is expanded to provide service to a growing suburb. A bike sharing program is adopted to encourage nonmotorized transportation. [Q1] To alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area, stoplight timing is coordinated. When any one of these changes [Q2] occur, it is likely the result of careful analysis conducted by transportation planners.

The work of transportation planners generally includes evaluating current transportation needs, assessing the effectiveness of existing facilities, and improving those facilities or [Q3] they design new ones. Most transportation planners work in or near cities, [Q4] but some are employed in rural areas. Say, for example, a large fACTory is built on the outskirts of a small town. Traffic to and from that location would increase at the beginning and end of work shifts. The transportation [Q5] planner's job, might involve conducting a traffic count to determine the daily number of vehicles traveling on the road to the new fACTory. If analysis of the traffic count indicates that there is more traffic than the [Q6] current road as it is designed at this time can efficiently accommodate, the transportation planner might recommend widening the road to add another lane.

Transportation planners work closely with a number of community stakeholders, such as government officials and other interested organizations and individuals. [Q7] Next, representatives from the local public health department might provide input in designing a network of trails and sidewalks to encourage people to walk more. [Q8] According to the American Heart Association, walking provides numerous benefits related to health and well-being. Members of the Chamber of Commerce might share suggestions about designing transportation and parking facilities to support local businesses.

[Q9] People who pursue careers in transportation planning have a wide variety of educational backgrounds. A two year deGREe in transportation technology may be sufficient for some entry level jobs in the field. Most jobs, however, require at least a bachelor's deGREe; majors of transportation planners are [Q10] varied, including fields such as urban studies, civil engineering, geography, or transportation and logistics management. For many positions in the field, a master's deGREe is required.

Transportation planners perform critical work within the broader field of urban and regional planning. As of 2010, there were approximately 40,300 urban and regional planners employed in the United States. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts steady job growth in this field, [Q11] projecting that 16 percent of new jobs in all occupations will be related to urban and regional planning. Population growth and concerns about environmental sustainability are expected to spur the need for transportation planning professionals.

Question 1. Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

A. NO CHANGE (To alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area, stoplight timing is coordinated.)

B. Coordinating stoplight timing can help alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area.

C. Stoplight timing is coordinated to alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area.

D. In a congested downtown area, stoplight timing is coordinated to alleviate rush hour traffic jams.


只看划线句却很难锁定正确选项,因为只有A选项有明显的语法错误,即stoplight timing 不能发出to alleviate 这个动作,逻辑主语错误。排除A后,再去比较BCD,你会发现他们语法和表达都没有问题,相差也不大。但请你记住,新SAT语法考察近似于现行SAT的IP题,除了考察划线句语法和表达外,还会考察划线句在文章语境中表达和语义的连贯性。所以当我们跳出划线句向前看时就能立马锁定答案,前面两句都是用的Sth is done的被动句,所以我们要选择与之平行的句式,故答案为C. 因此做新SAT语法题时,一定要注意上下文语境。

Question 2.

A. NO CHANGE (occur, it is)

B. occur, they are

C. occurs, they are

D. occurs, it is

此题非常简单,考察了动词的主谓一致和代词指代单复数的一致性。any one of these changes 的核心名词为any one,用occurs。其次,根据句意主句主语应该指代any one,故用it指代,最终答案锁定为D。这两个考点也同样是现行SAT语法考察的最高频语法点,所应新SAT也会保留高频语法点的考察。

Question 3.

A. NO CHANGE (they design)

B. to design

C. designing

D. design

此题同样也是考察平行结构,划线部分前出现了平行结构的标志词or,or前后要保持平行,我们发现or前面是improving those facilities所以or后面要改成designing new ones才能保持平行,故选C。

Question 4. Which choice results in the most effective transition to the information that follows in the paragraph?

A. NO CHANGE (but some are employed in rural areas.)

B. where job opportunities are more plentiful.

C. and the majority are employed by government agencies.

D. DELETE the underlined portion and end the sentence with a period.

从题干中的most effective transition 就可以看出此题是考察上下句的逻辑衔接,所以一定要读划线句的前后。首先划线句前面一句是Most transportation planners work in or near cities,划线原句是but some are employed in rural areas.前一句说大多数交通规划人员在城市工作,后一句说一些人在乡郊工作,用but连接表示对比转折,正确。更加明显的是划线句后出现了Say, for example,明显是观点+例证的结构,往后看例子主要讲"outskirts"与原句的rural areas完美对应,故原句正确,答案选A。

Question 5.

A. NO CHANGE (planner's job,)

B. planner's job

C. planners job,

D. planners job

此题很简单,主要考察两个要点:1.名词的所有格的正确表达应该是planner's job,2. 简单句中主谓不能用一个逗号分割开来,S, VO这种结构是错误的,结合这两点,答案应该为B

Question 6.

A. NO CHANGE (current road as it is designed at this time)

B. current design of the road right now

C. road as it is now currently designed

D. current design of the road

此题考察的简洁性表达,具体说就是简洁中的语义重复,在现行SAT语法考察中也经常考到,比如each year和annually就不能同时出现,该道题目中current 和now以及at this time 语义重复,因此答案锁定为D

Question 7.

A. NO CHANGE (Next,)

B. For instance,

C. Furthermore,

D. Similarly,

这道题考察的是句间逻辑,四个选项,其中next表示时间先后顺序,For instance 表示列举,Furthermore表示递进关系,Similarly表示同类比较。根据句意,Next前面一句是说:交通规划人员和很多当地政府官员,组织和个体紧密协作,这是一句典型的观点句,因为表达抽象,没有具体细节。再看next后面一句:当地公共卫生部门的代表也会参与设计人行道布局,以便鼓励更多人步行。这句话中的当地公共卫生部门代表正是对于观点句中政府官员的细节说明。因此,明显前后是例子证明观点的例证关系,应该用For instance,选择B。此题的考察近似于现行SAT语法IP题中句间逻辑的考察。

Question 8. The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?

A. Kept, because it provides supporting evidence about the benefits of walking.

B. Kept, because it provides an additional example of a community stakeholder with whom transportation planners work.

C. Deleted, because it blurs the paragraph's focus on the community stakeholders with whom transportation planners work.

D. Deleted, because it doesn't provide specific examples of what the numerous benefits of walking are.

此题询问读者是否保留划线句,并且需要告知选择的理由,这恰恰符合新SAT对于Evidence-based Reading and Writing的考察。现行SAT语法的IP题也有句子删除题,删除的依据是和原文无关或重复的内容。我们也可以利用这一原则判断原句是否需要删除。从第7题我们可以发现该段是例证关系,所以观点后的细节都要能证明观点,但是划线句是说明walking的好处,明显是和观点无关的细节,所以答案C正确,理由是偏离该段主旨也正确。

Question 9.

A. NO CHANGE (People who pursue careers in transportation planning)

B. People, who pursue careers in transportation planning,

C. People who pursue careers, in transportation planning,

D. People who pursue careers in transportation planning,

此题较简单,当扫看四个选项可以发现D有明显的语法错误,因为构成了主谓分离。其次,BC虽然没有语法问题,但是这两个选项用插入语把修饰成分和修饰主体分开,但是原句并不复杂,定语从句who pursue careers, in transportation planning本身就能很紧密的修饰People,介词短语in transportation planning也能很紧密的修饰careers,都不需要用逗号隔开。因此原句最好,选择A。

Question 10.

A. NO CHANGE (varied, including)

B. varied, and including

C. varied and which include

D. varied, which include


Question 11. Which choice completes the sentence with accurate data based on the graph?

A. NO CHANGE (projecting that 16 percent of new jobs in all occupations will be related to urban and regional planning.)

B. warning, however, that job growth in urban and regional planning will slow to 14 percent by 2020.

C. predicting that employment of urban and regional planners will increase 16 percent between 2010 and 2020.

D. indicating that 14 to 18 percent of urban and regional planning positions will remain unfilled.

此题属于新SAT出现的新题型,不仅考察语法还考察对图表的分析能力。划线部分是SVO, doing 结构,S发出doing动作,文章中S是The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics(美国劳工统计局)均可发出四个选项的动作。我们接下来就要读表格看内容上哪个选项与之符合。从图表我们可以得到三条重要信息:1.此表格是关于就业增长率预测的表格;2.预计社会科学家和相关从业人员在2010-2020间就业增长率为18% ;2. 城市与区域规划师在2010-2020间就业增长率为16% ;所有职业在2010-2020间的就业增长率为14%。根据以上信息,A错,因为不是新工作(new jobs)的增长,而是就业率的增长。B说增长下降,显然和图表不符,排除。D的数据和图表不符,只有C是和图表信息最符合的,答案为C。



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