




  TEST 1

  1. recognise one's ability/ perceive one's talent/one's talent be perceived

  2. enrol in a school/attend a school

  3. sth that made him rich and famous/ sth bring him both fame and fortune

  4. Immediately understand/instant recognition

  5. refer to/ known as

  6. consult/ ask advice of

  7. now/ current/present/happening

  8. transmission/ sending information

  9. response/ reply

  10. ground rules/ assumptions underlying the research

  11. likelihood/ it seems/ perhaps, guess, estimate

  12. life expectancy/ the lifetime of

  13. most powerful/ the largest/ the biggest/ the best/ the GREatest

  14. resemble/ pretty well like/ be similar to/ same as

  15. promptly/ immediately/instantly

  16. migrant/ migrate/ migration

  17. before/ in advance/ prior/ previously/ former

  18. make big changes/ redesign/modification/alteration

  19. lack/ never/no/not/in need of/want

  20. incomplete fossilised remains/ only fragments are found

  21. determine/ decide

  22. obtain/ acquire/ earn / gain / get/ procure/ receive / secure

  23. dense/ tight/thick/heavy

  24. indicate/ demonstrate / disclose / display / exhibit/ express/ hint/ imply/ point out/ present/reveal/ show /signify/suggest

  TEST 2

  1. Initiative/initiate/ launch/ pioneer/ introduce/ develop

  2. National policy/ New Zealand strategy

  3. Global/international

  4. Team effort/ institutional working party

  5. Hypothesis/guess/ speculation/ possibility/theory/potential

  6. Suitable/appropriate

  7. Worldwide regulations/ international standard

  8. Medical conditions/ illness/ disease

  9. Place…at risk/ leave…vulnerable

  10. Auditory problems/hearing loss

  11. Study/carry out research

  12. Machinery noise/ noise generated by machine

  13. Child which have not been diagnosed/ undiagnosed children

  14. Current teaching method/ modern teaching prACTices

  15. Cooling systems/ air-conditioning/mechanical means of ventilation

  16. Different/distinct/varied/reverse

  17. Prevent/keep from/inhibit/stop/thwart

  18. Potential/future/be expected to be/possible/likely

  19. Fail to do/never/not/unable to do

  20. Calculate/determine the value

  21. Be worked out/be calculated

  22. Realise/recognise/show/see/understand

  23. Witness/view/see/observe

  24. Distorted/look smeared/not circular

  TEST 3

  1. Competitive/competitors/competition

  2. Achievement/success

  3. Because/thus/It is… that 强调句型/so

  4. Rely on previous events/draw on past experience

  5. A result of/ a product of

  6. Pitfalls/ traps/snares

  7. Exposure to …/bombard…with

  8. Receptive/receive/embrace/accept/aGREe

  9. Novelty/new experience

  10. Fear/phobia

  11. Embarrassment/ridicule

  12. Psychological illness/mental disorder

  13. Decide/decision

  14. Scientific/science/technology/technological

  15. Argue/argument/debate/debatable/discuss/dispute/disputable

  16. Understandable/understand/reasonable

  17. Be affected by/influence

  18. Still exist/be still with us

  19. Stop/halt/prevent/end

  20. Pointless/not/no point of

  21. Misrepresented/paint unreal pictures

  22. The custom of speaking/ popular speech

  23. Grammatical rules/ rules of grammar

  24. Alternative/choice/way/replacement

  TEST 4

  1. Back into Britain/ re-import into Britain

  2. Reliable/predictable

  3. Cut down/reduce

  4. Increase income/export earner

  5. Power station/power plant

  6. In the vicinity of/around/nearby

  7. ExtrACTion of seaweed/clean seaweed

  8. Result from/cause

  9. In danger/at risk

  10. Comparatively/relatively

  11. Explanation/explain/reason

  12. Transmission of information/information pass on/information send back/transmit

  13. Unnecessary/redundant/superfluous

  14. Incident/event

  15. Initially/originally

  16. Be about to stop working/on the brink of failing

  17. Be used to/by means of

  18. Send messages over distances/transmit information from place to place

  19. Signal strength/ strength of the signal

  20. From her childhood/when she was a child

  21. Her children were born/birth of her two daughters

  22. Marie took over the teaching position/she was appointed to the professorship

  23. Have the same property/…is true for …

  24. Receive recognition/be awarded


  1. Collect/accumulate

  2. Both…and/not only…but also

  3. Stock sth./ a stock of sth.

  4. Be exposed to/ by exposure to

  5. Imitation/imitate/mimic

  6. Be contingent on/ depend on

  7. Mastery/power

  8. The aspects of self-awareness is difficult to research directly/Empirical investigation of the se lf-as-subject are rather scarce

  9. …is link to …/the link between…and…

  10. Primarily intend for the public/for the ordinary visitor

  11. Personal involvement/themselves can ACT as if part of the historical environment

  12. …and …are less easy to distinguish than before/ the sharp distinction is gradually evapor ating

  13. Balance the conflicting priorities/ steer a narrow course between the demand of …

  14. Reveal/present/presentation

  15. Durable objects/ transitory nature of the materials(反义词)

  16. Consumer/market force

  17. Give false impression/ bias in the representation

  18. Current trend/majority of the public




  • 雅思
  • 托福
  • SAT
  • ACT
  • GRE
  • GMAT
  • 课程名称 课程内容 适合学员 课程详细
    雅思模考班 雅思模考课程含模考及讲评环节。模考部分还原雅思考试真实场景,帮助学员积累考场经验并减轻考试压力,从容应对考试;讲评部分教师根据模考结果,针对学生掌握薄弱的题型及题目进行讲解,并就学员在考场上可能遇到的问题给出建议,帮助学员稳定考试状态。 距离考试还有1-2个月备考时间的学员;
    IELTS6.5分班 雅思6.5分课程基于对剑桥雅思考试真题的分析,对包含各种不同题型的完整试题进行讲解,使学员能够分别每个单项中不同类型的题目并使用相应答题方法,从而达到雅思6.5分所要求的答题正确率,并提升学员使用规范的语言组织方式进行表达的能力。 距离考试有4-6个月备考时间的学员;
    雅思预备班 雅思预备课程专为A2水平(雅思3.5-4分)学员设计。通过科学设计的课堂有效提升学员综合语言能力,并对雅思题型有基本的熟悉,为后续课程学习做好准备。 雅思分数3.5-4分学员;
    IELTS直通车 雅思大学生直通车全程课程基于对剑桥雅思考试真题的分析,从学员备考的整个过程进行规划,分模块完成知识点的讲解,使学员完成从了解到获得目标分数的全过程学习。 需要进行雅思整体学习和备考规划的大学生学员。 查看
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    托福冲分班 每个冲分班都具体针对到一次托福考试。冲分班教学从预测高频考点出发,匹配相应的针对性练习和TPO训练,讲练结合,训练强度大(每天可高达8小时),帮助学员在1个月时间内最大限度提高TOEFL分数。 距离考试时间为1-2个月;
    TOEFL体验班 针对TOEFL考试各科单项进行分项讲解,价格实惠,体验新东方老师的授课风采以及对考试单项方面认知,方便以后安排系统性的学习。 打算参加新东方课程培训,想提前领略老师授课风格,并获得单项方面指导的学员。 查看
    托福预备班 托福预备段课程旨在帮助英语基础薄弱学员培养初级词汇、语法、辨音、发音等基本英语语言能力,循序渐进为学员进入托福基础段的学习做好准备。 未参加过任何托福培训课程,需要补充基础英语能力以进入托福基础段的学员;
    托福直通车 托福直通车初级起点课程培养学员基础能力并帮助学生充分掌握TOEFL考试特点及解题策略。 该课程立足于ETS TOEFL官方指南,深度解析托福考试对学员能力的要求,精心研发贴合基础阶段学员需求的教材; 入班TOEFL实考成绩为40分-50分的学员;
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    新SAT*全程班 为学员提供新SAT全程解决方案。帮助学员合理安排不同课程的学习时间和顺序,高效利用时间,科学备考。共分为三个阶段,第一阶段为基础能力提升阶段,第二阶段为官方指南讲解阶段,第三阶段为考前冲刺阶段。 将于2016年参加SAT考试的学员。 查看
    新SAT*直通车 结合官方指南和内部资料,针对考点有的放矢的强化培训,助教辅导,全程跟踪。 欲申请美国大学(美国排名TOP50的大学)本科名校的高中生 查看
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    ACT考试团 专为赶赴香港参加ACT考试的学员提供带队老师考前学习答疑与心理辅导、考试期间生活照顾以及交通、住宿安排为一体的一站式境外考试服务。 前往香港参加ACT考试的学员。 查看
    ACT*全程班 通过多阶段的ACT课程学习,从易到难,循序渐进掌握ACT知识要点,提升考试技巧。 ACT考生考前8-12个月。 查看
    ACT直通车 强化培训,快速突破。助教辅导,全程跟踪。 欲申请美国大学(美国排名TOP50的大学)本科名校的高中生。 查看
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    GRE词汇班 使用经典词汇秘籍教学。 经验丰富的专业词汇老师进行授课。 通过大量测试,专业技巧点拨,帮助学员打下扎实词汇基础并快速突破词汇难题。 有计划考 GRE,英语基础比较薄弱,难以阅读由复杂单词和结构组成的复杂句子及文章的学员。 查看
    GRE全程班 为学员提供全程解决方案。帮助学员合理安排不同课程的学习时间和顺序,高效利用时间,科学备考。 距离考试8-12个月;
    GRE强化班 GRE考试内容,从阅读、填空、写作、数学方面进行全面、系统的知识点讲解,教授考试方法及应试技巧,提高学员的应试能力。 距离考试4-6个月;
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    GMAT*强化班 围绕 GMAT 考试内容,深入讲解各个科目的应试策略以及方法,详细解析各种不同题型下的解题思路和方法,帮学员熟悉考试技巧,提高应试能力。 距离考试4-6个月;
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