

  Many years before the United States was founded(建立), Americans had already invented barbecues. But the first barbecues, in fACT ,were the invention of the Taino Indians of Haiti, who dried their meat on raised frames(架子)of sticks over fires. Spanish explorers spelled the Taino word as barbacoa, and as time passed, English settlers along the Atlantic coat had their own barbecues.  One summer day in 1773, Benjamin Lynde, a citizen of Massachusetts, wrote in his diary, “Fair and hot ; Browne;hack overset.” That is , on a bright and hot day he went to the Brownes to attedn a barbecue, and his carriage(马车)fell over. It shows that the barbecue had its social occasion by that time. Large animals would be roasted whole on frames over hot fires, and neighbours would be invited to dinner.  In later centuries, as settlers moved to the west, the barbecue went along with it, reaching an especially large size in Texas, where a pit (坑)for fuels(燃料) such as tree branches might be over ten feet deep. Today , the barbecue grills(烧烤架)which are fueled by charcoal(木炭) or electricity are likely to be small and easy to move , and can cook only parts of an animal at a time, but people still have barbecues out of doors and always invite their neighbours or friends over.

  44.Who invented the barbecues first in history?  A.American people. B.Taino Indians. C.Spanish explorers. D.English settlers.

  45.The second paragraph mainly tells us that the barbecue_______________.  A.is only held on a hot sunny day B.welcomes people who keep diaries  C.is held both indoors and outdoors D.has its social occasion for over 200 years

  46.The underlined expression “ social occasion” can be best translated into______________.  A.社交功能 B.社会福利 C.社会地位 D.社会背景

  47.The following are all the barbecue ways EXCEPT __________________.  A. drying meat on raised frames of sticks over fires  B. roasting a whole animal over a pit full of burning tree branches  C.cooking parts of animals over fires on grills fueled by charcoal  D.heating meat in the bright and hot daylight


  A Solar-powered Plane---Lowcarbon  Earlier this month, a solar-powered (太阳能动力的)plane called Lowcarbon took off to the sky for the first time. It has passed an important test on the way to travel around the world.  Lowcarbon took off from an airport in Switzerland(瑞士)at 45 km an hour. It slowly rose into the sky.  “There has never been an airplane so big, so light, using so little energy,” said Bertrand Piccard, a leader of the project.  During the 90-minute flight, Lowcarbon did several turns. It climbs nearly 1.6 km above the countryside.  Engineers plan to test a night flight in July. Then they will use the results of the tests to build a second plane. They plan to travel around the world in that plane in 2012. “We want to fly it day and night with no fuel,” Piccard said.  Piccard and pilot Andre Borschberg will take Lowcarbon around the world .They will make a few stops to change places and rest after a long time in the air----and to show off their aircraft.  Lowcarbon flies at 70 kph on average(平均). That is faster than a bike and slower than a car. The pilots will keep it in the air for up to five days at a time.  We Are One---“Expo Through My Eyes”  Sharing offers you more happiness. To celebrate the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, China Daily invites you to share what you’ve seen, heard and experienced at the 6-month international event or Expo-related stories in English. Whether you are an Expo volunteer, a reporter, or a tourist , we’d like you to share with us your Expo experience, as seen through your eyes. So if you would liketo contribute(投稿),please join us today in sharing the joy!  Topic: 2010 Shanghai World Expo  Language: English only  Length: No more than 1,000 words-  Content: Stories with photos are necessary.  Duration: May 1,2010---October 31,2010  Email-box: expo@chinadaily.com.cn  Reward: In addition to the SATisfACTion of supporting our work,  ---your stories will be published on China Daily’s website;  ---you will go in a lucky draw for a prize.

  48.Which of the following information about the plane Lowcarbon is NOT true?  A. It can fly at 70 km an hour. B.It is solar –powered.  C.It has passed a night-flight test. D.It is slower than a car.

  49.Lowcarbon is a special plane because________________.  A.it’s made in Switzerlland B.it has travelled around the world  C.it can do turns in the sky D.it’s big and light, but uses little enegy

  50.The purpose of the second article is to________________.  A.encourage us to visit Shanghai Expo B.ask us to be volunteers for Shanghai Expo  C.invite us to write stories about Shanghai Expo D.tell us to get the lucky prize of Shanghai Expo

  51.Your stories about the 2010 Shanghai Expo for China Daily___________.  A.can be in Chinese B.don’t need to have photos  C.must be given by post D.should be handed in by e-mail


2018-04-20 来源: 网络整理 作者: 长晓全




  Many years before the United States was founded(建立), Americans had already invented barbecues. But the first barbecues, in fACT ,were the invention of the Taino Indians of Haiti, who dried their meat on raised frames(架子)of sticks over fires. Spanish explorers spelled the Taino word as barbacoa, and as time passed, English settlers along the Atlantic coat had their own barbecues.  One summer day in 1773, Benjamin Lynde, a citizen of Massachusetts, wrote in his diary, “Fair and hot ; Browne;hack overset.” That is , on a bright and hot day he went to the Brownes to attedn a barbecue, and his carriage(马车)fell over. It shows that the barbecue had its social occasion by that time. Large animals would be roasted whole on frames over hot fires, and neighbours would be invited to dinner.  In later centuries, as settlers moved to the west, the barbecue went along with it, reaching an especially large size in Texas, where a pit (坑)for fuels(燃料) such as tree branches might be over ten feet deep. Today , the barbecue grills(烧烤架)which are fueled by charcoal(木炭) or electricity are likely to be small and easy to move , and can cook only parts of an animal at a time, but people still have barbecues out of doors and always invite their neighbours or friends over.

  44.Who invented the barbecues first in history?  A.American people. B.Taino Indians. C.Spanish explorers. D.English settlers.

  45.The second paragraph mainly tells us that the barbecue_______________.  A.is only held on a hot sunny day B.welcomes people who keep diaries  C.is held both indoors and outdoors D.has its social occasion for over 200 years

  46.The underlined expression “ social occasion” can be best translated into______________.  A.社交功能 B.社会福利 C.社会地位 D.社会背景

  47.The following are all the barbecue ways EXCEPT __________________.  A. drying meat on raised frames of sticks over fires  B. roasting a whole animal over a pit full of burning tree branches  C.cooking parts of animals over fires on grills fueled by charcoal  D.heating meat in the bright and hot daylight


  A Solar-powered Plane---Lowcarbon  Earlier this month, a solar-powered (太阳能动力的)plane called Lowcarbon took off to the sky for the first time. It has passed an important test on the way to travel around the world.  Lowcarbon took off from an airport in Switzerland(瑞士)at 45 km an hour. It slowly rose into the sky.  “There has never been an airplane so big, so light, using so little energy,” said Bertrand Piccard, a leader of the project.  During the 90-minute flight, Lowcarbon did several turns. It climbs nearly 1.6 km above the countryside.  Engineers plan to test a night flight in July. Then they will use the results of the tests to build a second plane. They plan to travel around the world in that plane in 2012. “We want to fly it day and night with no fuel,” Piccard said.  Piccard and pilot Andre Borschberg will take Lowcarbon around the world .They will make a few stops to change places and rest after a long time in the air----and to show off their aircraft.  Lowcarbon flies at 70 kph on average(平均). That is faster than a bike and slower than a car. The pilots will keep it in the air for up to five days at a time.  We Are One---“Expo Through My Eyes”  Sharing offers you more happiness. To celebrate the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, China Daily invites you to share what you’ve seen, heard and experienced at the 6-month international event or Expo-related stories in English. Whether you are an Expo volunteer, a reporter, or a tourist , we’d like you to share with us your Expo experience, as seen through your eyes. So if you would liketo contribute(投稿),please join us today in sharing the joy!  Topic: 2010 Shanghai World Expo  Language: English only  Length: No more than 1,000 words-  Content: Stories with photos are necessary.  Duration: May 1,2010---October 31,2010  Email-box: expo@chinadaily.com.cn  Reward: In addition to the SATisfACTion of supporting our work,  ---your stories will be published on China Daily’s website;  ---you will go in a lucky draw for a prize.

  48.Which of the following information about the plane Lowcarbon is NOT true?  A. It can fly at 70 km an hour. B.It is solar –powered.  C.It has passed a night-flight test. D.It is slower than a car.

  49.Lowcarbon is a special plane because________________.  A.it’s made in Switzerlland B.it has travelled around the world  C.it can do turns in the sky D.it’s big and light, but uses little enegy

  50.The purpose of the second article is to________________.  A.encourage us to visit Shanghai Expo B.ask us to be volunteers for Shanghai Expo  C.invite us to write stories about Shanghai Expo D.tell us to get the lucky prize of Shanghai Expo

  51.Your stories about the 2010 Shanghai Expo for China Daily___________.  A.can be in Chinese B.don’t need to have photos  C.must be given by post D.should be handed in by e-mail





课程名称 课程内容 适合学员 课程详细
初一英语 初一培优型课程,选择经典的新概念一册作为初一年级培优型课程教材,期间结合大量的听力口语能力练习,培养孩子的听说能力。 1、英语成绩优秀的初一学员
初一数学 该课程主要为七年级下册和八年级上册前半部分的同步训练加难度提升,适合基础比较好的初一学生。在课程的设计上,分层次地讲述基础知识点及其综合应用,在巩固基础的同时,加强难度的训练。 1、数学成绩优秀的初一学员
初一语文 以初一上学期的语文重点、难点知识为载体,利用优能独特的教学法,通过深入浅出的讲解帮助学员在初中开始阶段继续保持并提升优秀的学习成绩。 1、想学习初一上学期重点难点的知识学生
初二英语 初二尖子培优型课程,对于新概念二册1-12课进行知识点的全面复习并在原有知识基础上进行巩固和加深,拓展高级写作句型给出真实语言情景,帮助学生全方位拓展英语综合能力的提升。 1、英语成绩优秀的的新初二学员
初二数学 在教材知识的学习之上,对于重难点进行深入的了解和探究,加入名校考题以及竞赛试题,让学员掌握书本知识的同时拓展思维,强化数学解题的思维与方法。 1、数学成绩优秀的的新初二学员
初二语文 总结复习初一语文在中考考纲中的知识点,预热初二语文所占中考的考点,以及对文言文阅读基本方法的了解和掌握。同时着力于加深学生对社科、人文的兴趣与了解。 1、语文成绩优秀的的新初二学员
初二物理 本课程针对刚刚初一升初二的学生,讲授初二物理预科内容;课程主要分为运动,声,光,物态变化等版块。通过学习本册的知识模块培养学生的物理思维方式。 1、想学习初二上学期重点难点的知识学生
中考英语 中考培优型课程,配给语法、完型、阅读、写作、听力和口语各个板块的综合练习,各个击破学员的考试障碍;配合以中考中高难度习题,通过解析四大名校月考,期中,期末试卷以及中考真题阶梯式的学习题型帮助学员提升成绩。 1、英语成绩优秀的初二升初三学员
中考数学 一部分为压轴题目的训练,帮助学员解决压轴题,拿高分;另一部分为初三的重难点知识的预科学习,让学员在中考中拿下高分打下坚实的基础。 1、数学成绩优秀的初二升初三学员。
中考语文 总结复习初中语文在中考考纲中的知识点,并结合课内外例题巩固复习;侧重阅读题型识别与概括,并结合课内外名著,引导作文高效写法。 1、语文成绩优秀的初二升初三学员
中考物理 课程内容主要是力学和热学两部分内容,帮助学生巩固中考中的重要模块—力学。力学题目的设置贴近中考难度;后半部分课程会预习初三的热学知识,提前帮助学生理解抽象的热学概 1、物理成绩中等或中等偏下的初二升初三学员
中考化学 巩固并扎实掌握九年级上册重难点:化学反应原理、计算及化学实验等部分内容,达到高级理解与运用的等级。帮助学员提高化学学习兴趣,掌握正确学习化学的方法。 1、学成绩优秀的初二升初三学员


长沙新东方官微 升学那些事



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咨询 微博 课程 校区 建议 顶部
2018-04-20 来源:网络整理 作者:长晓全




  Many years before the United States was founded(建立), Americans had already invented barbecues. But the first barbecues, in fACT ,were the invention of the Taino Indians of Haiti, who dried their meat on raised frames(架子)of sticks over fires. Spanish explorers spelled the Taino word as barbacoa, and as time passed, English settlers along the Atlantic coat had their own barbecues.  One summer day in 1773, Benjamin Lynde, a citizen of Massachusetts, wrote in his diary, “Fair and hot ; Browne;hack overset.” That is , on a bright and hot day he went to the Brownes to attedn a barbecue, and his carriage(马车)fell over. It shows that the barbecue had its social occasion by that time. Large animals would be roasted whole on frames over hot fires, and neighbours would be invited to dinner.  In later centuries, as settlers moved to the west, the barbecue went along with it, reaching an especially large size in Texas, where a pit (坑)for fuels(燃料) such as tree branches might be over ten feet deep. Today , the barbecue grills(烧烤架)which are fueled by charcoal(木炭) or electricity are likely to be small and easy to move , and can cook only parts of an animal at a time, but people still have barbecues out of doors and always invite their neighbours or friends over.

  44.Who invented the barbecues first in history?  A.American people. B.Taino Indians. C.Spanish explorers. D.English settlers.

  45.The second paragraph mainly tells us that the barbecue_______________.  A.is only held on a hot sunny day B.welcomes people who keep diaries  C.is held both indoors and outdoors D.has its social occasion for over 200 years

  46.The underlined expression “ social occasion” can be best translated into______________.  A.社交功能 B.社会福利 C.社会地位 D.社会背景

  47.The following are all the barbecue ways EXCEPT __________________.  A. drying meat on raised frames of sticks over fires  B. roasting a whole animal over a pit full of burning tree branches  C.cooking parts of animals over fires on grills fueled by charcoal  D.heating meat in the bright and hot daylight


  A Solar-powered Plane---Lowcarbon  Earlier this month, a solar-powered (太阳能动力的)plane called Lowcarbon took off to the sky for the first time. It has passed an important test on the way to travel around the world.  Lowcarbon took off from an airport in Switzerland(瑞士)at 45 km an hour. It slowly rose into the sky.  “There has never been an airplane so big, so light, using so little energy,” said Bertrand Piccard, a leader of the project.  During the 90-minute flight, Lowcarbon did several turns. It climbs nearly 1.6 km above the countryside.  Engineers plan to test a night flight in July. Then they will use the results of the tests to build a second plane. They plan to travel around the world in that plane in 2012. “We want to fly it day and night with no fuel,” Piccard said.  Piccard and pilot Andre Borschberg will take Lowcarbon around the world .They will make a few stops to change places and rest after a long time in the air----and to show off their aircraft.  Lowcarbon flies at 70 kph on average(平均). That is faster than a bike and slower than a car. The pilots will keep it in the air for up to five days at a time.  We Are One---“Expo Through My Eyes”  Sharing offers you more happiness. To celebrate the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, China Daily invites you to share what you’ve seen, heard and experienced at the 6-month international event or Expo-related stories in English. Whether you are an Expo volunteer, a reporter, or a tourist , we’d like you to share with us your Expo experience, as seen through your eyes. So if you would liketo contribute(投稿),please join us today in sharing the joy!  Topic: 2010 Shanghai World Expo  Language: English only  Length: No more than 1,000 words-  Content: Stories with photos are necessary.  Duration: May 1,2010---October 31,2010  Email-box: expo@chinadaily.com.cn  Reward: In addition to the SATisfACTion of supporting our work,  ---your stories will be published on China Daily’s website;  ---you will go in a lucky draw for a prize.

  48.Which of the following information about the plane Lowcarbon is NOT true?  A. It can fly at 70 km an hour. B.It is solar –powered.  C.It has passed a night-flight test. D.It is slower than a car.

  49.Lowcarbon is a special plane because________________.  A.it’s made in Switzerlland B.it has travelled around the world  C.it can do turns in the sky D.it’s big and light, but uses little enegy

  50.The purpose of the second article is to________________.  A.encourage us to visit Shanghai Expo B.ask us to be volunteers for Shanghai Expo  C.invite us to write stories about Shanghai Expo D.tell us to get the lucky prize of Shanghai Expo

  51.Your stories about the 2010 Shanghai Expo for China Daily___________.  A.can be in Chinese B.don’t need to have photos  C.must be given by post D.should be handed in by e-mail



初一 初二 初三
班级名称 课程介绍 课程咨询
初一语文 以初一语文重点、难点知识为载体,通过深入浅出的讲解,帮助学员在初中开始阶段打好基础。
初一数学 分层次地讲述初一数学基础知识点及其综合应用,在巩固基础的同时,加强训练难度。
初一英语 初一培优型课程,课程结合大量的听力口语能力练习,培养孩子的听说能力。
班级名称 课程介绍 课程咨询
初二语文 总结复习初一语文知识点,预热初二语文所占中考的考点,加深学生对社科、人文的了解。
初二数学 在教材知识的学习之上,对于重难点进行深入的了解和探究,强化数学解题的思维与方法。
初二英语 在英语知识基础上进行巩固和加深,拓展高级写作句型,帮助学生全方位拓展英语综合能力。
班级名称 课程介绍 课程咨询
初三语文 立足于长沙中考,学习掌握初中语文答题技巧,加强阅读和写作能力。
初三数学 对标长沙中考能力要求,强化计算能力,锻炼数学思维以及解题技巧。
初三英语 培养学生英语学习兴趣,提升中考核心词汇量、阅读能力与听力水平。
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All Rights Reserved