


  231. 穿过森林时当心蛇。

  Look out for the snake when you get hrough the forest.

  232. 我讨厌女人在公共场合化妆。

  I hate seeing women make up in public.

  233. 该我值日了。

  It’s time for me to be on duty.

  234. 他的照片在全世界展览。

  His photos are on show all over the world.

  235. 从前,人们以捕鱼为生。

  Once upon a time, people live on fishing.

  236. 他很激动,上气不接下气地告诉我这个好消息。

  He was so excited that he told me the good news out of breath.

  237. 他太懒,结果他失业了。

  She is so lazy that she is out of work.

  238. 我看到他经过了。

  I saw him pass by.

  239. 我会尽快还你钱的。

  I will pay back your money as soon as possible.

  240. 我帮她付了书钱。

  I helped her to pay for the book.

  241. 你为什么不挑出你的书呢?

  Why don’t you pick out your book?

  242. 我开车接他时见到一个箱子。

  I picked up a box when I picked him up.

  243. 他指向门向我示意上面的一幅画。

  He pointed to the door to show me a picture on it.

  244. 防御火灾爆发是很重要的。

  It’s very important to prevent fire from breaking out.

  245. 我们最好为未来储存一些钱。

  We had better put away some money for the future.

  246. 你最好别推迟做作业。

  You had better not put off doing homework.

  247. 你最好穿上你的外套。

  You had better put on your coat.

  248. 请你把这幅画贴在墙上好吗?

  Could you please put up this picture on the wall?

  249. 我喜欢上学而不愿呆在家里。

  I like going to school rather than stay at home.

  250. 每人提到昨天的事。

  No one referred to yesterday’s thing.

  251. 我愿意把你当成我的朋友。

  I would like to regard you as my friend.

  252. 为什么不立刻请你老师帮忙呢?

  Why not ask your teacher for help right away?

  253. 你最好马上给他回电话。

  You had better ring him back right now.

  254. 我一到美国就给你打电话。

  I will ring you up as soon as I arrive in America.

  255. 你要么逃跑要么投降。

  You either run away or give in.

  256. 他准备花光他的钱为他家买一栋房子。

  He gets ready to run out of his money to buy a house for his family.

  257. 我很高兴我能挽救你的生命。

  I am glad that I can save your life.

  258. 我想要为你送行。

  I would like to see you off.

  259. 你必须尽快卖光所有的票。

  You have to sell out all the tickets as soon as possible.

  260. 你为什么不立刻派人请医生呢?

  Why don’t you send for a doctor right now?

  261. 太阳既发光又发热。

  The sun sends out both light and heat.

  262. 美国过去发射过许多宇宙飞船。

  America used to send up many spaceships.

  263. 是该分出好坏的时候了。

  It’s time to separate the good from the bad.

  264. 该释放他们的时间了。

  It’s time to set them free.

  265. 直到我看见他们启程才回来。

  I didn’t come back until I saw them set off.

  266. 我们打算早上出发。

  We are going to set out in the morning.

  267. 他们肩并肩地走进了教室。

  They went into the classroom side by side.

  268. 我会随身带些钱以便买些吃的。

  I will bring some money with me so as to buy something to eat.

  269. 就我所知,他不但是老师还是作家。

  So far as I know, he is not only a teacher but also a writer.

  270. 我们的梦想迟早会实现的。

  Our dream will come true sooner or later.

  271. 我的车有点毛病,因此我不能加速。

  There is something wrong with my car, so I can’t speed up.

  272. US 代表美国。

  US stands for the United States.

  273. 别说话了,该上课了。

  Stop talking. It’s time for class.

  274. 咱们停下来休息一下。

  Let’s stop to have a rest.

  275. 北京有许多名胜古迹,比如长城、颐和园等等。

  There are a lot of places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.

  276. 请你把它拿走好吗?

  Would you please take it away?

  277. 别紧张,我会帮你学英语的。

  Take it easy! I will help you with English.

  278. 屋里很冷,你最好别脱下外套。

  It’svery cold in the room, you had better not take off your coat.

  279. 我们可以从容地为考试做准备。

  We can take our time to get ready for the test.

  280. 他取出了一些照片。

  He took out some photos.

  281. 昨天发生了一起交通事故。

  A traffic accident took place yesterday.

  282. 我取代了他。

  I took the place of him.

  283. 每天玩电脑游戏占用许多时间。

  Playing computer games takes up a lot of time every day.

  284. 我经常一出去就关上灯。

  I often turn off the light as soon as I go out.

  285. 刚才我阻止他把灯打开。

  I stopped him from turning on lights just now.

  286. 他把电视开得很大。

  He turned up TV very loudly.

  287. 我看见她在教室里走来走去。

  I saw her walk up and down in the classroom.

  288. 我过去害怕黑暗。

  I used to be afraid of the dark.

  289. 我习惯于晚饭后去散步。

  I am used to going for a walk after supper.

  290. 我很抱歉让你等了这么长时间。

  I am sorry to keep you waiting for me so long time.

  291. 这道数学题太难,我做不出来。

  This math problem is too difficult for me to work out.

  292. 我一点都不担心我的英语。

  I don’t worry about my English at all.

  293. 你最好记下地址。

  You had better write down the address.

  294. 我会尽可能经常给你写信。

  I will write to you as often as possible.

  295. 总之,忘记不高兴的事,继续努力学习。

  In a word, forget the unhappy thing and keep on working hard at your lessons.

  296. 我相信如果你努力,一定会成功的。

  I'm sure you can be successful if you try your best.

  297. 你读的书越多,你获得的知识就越多。

  The more books you read, the more knowledge you will get.

  298. 很高兴收到你的来信。

  Nice to hear from you.

  299. 只要你用心,没有什么是不可能的。

  Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.

  300. 我期待你的好消息。

  I’m looking forward to your good news.








2018-07-17 来源: 网络整理 作者: 长晓视





  231. 穿过森林时当心蛇。

  Look out for the snake when you get hrough the forest.

  232. 我讨厌女人在公共场合化妆。

  I hate seeing women make up in public.

  233. 该我值日了。

  It’s time for me to be on duty.

  234. 他的照片在全世界展览。

  His photos are on show all over the world.

  235. 从前,人们以捕鱼为生。

  Once upon a time, people live on fishing.

  236. 他很激动,上气不接下气地告诉我这个好消息。

  He was so excited that he told me the good news out of breath.

  237. 他太懒,结果他失业了。

  She is so lazy that she is out of work.

  238. 我看到他经过了。

  I saw him pass by.

  239. 我会尽快还你钱的。

  I will pay back your money as soon as possible.

  240. 我帮她付了书钱。

  I helped her to pay for the book.

  241. 你为什么不挑出你的书呢?

  Why don’t you pick out your book?

  242. 我开车接他时见到一个箱子。

  I picked up a box when I picked him up.

  243. 他指向门向我示意上面的一幅画。

  He pointed to the door to show me a picture on it.

  244. 防御火灾爆发是很重要的。

  It’s very important to prevent fire from breaking out.

  245. 我们最好为未来储存一些钱。

  We had better put away some money for the future.

  246. 你最好别推迟做作业。

  You had better not put off doing homework.

  247. 你最好穿上你的外套。

  You had better put on your coat.

  248. 请你把这幅画贴在墙上好吗?

  Could you please put up this picture on the wall?

  249. 我喜欢上学而不愿呆在家里。

  I like going to school rather than stay at home.

  250. 每人提到昨天的事。

  No one referred to yesterday’s thing.

  251. 我愿意把你当成我的朋友。

  I would like to regard you as my friend.

  252. 为什么不立刻请你老师帮忙呢?

  Why not ask your teacher for help right away?

  253. 你最好马上给他回电话。

  You had better ring him back right now.

  254. 我一到美国就给你打电话。

  I will ring you up as soon as I arrive in America.

  255. 你要么逃跑要么投降。

  You either run away or give in.

  256. 他准备花光他的钱为他家买一栋房子。

  He gets ready to run out of his money to buy a house for his family.

  257. 我很高兴我能挽救你的生命。

  I am glad that I can save your life.

  258. 我想要为你送行。

  I would like to see you off.

  259. 你必须尽快卖光所有的票。

  You have to sell out all the tickets as soon as possible.

  260. 你为什么不立刻派人请医生呢?

  Why don’t you send for a doctor right now?

  261. 太阳既发光又发热。

  The sun sends out both light and heat.

  262. 美国过去发射过许多宇宙飞船。

  America used to send up many spaceships.

  263. 是该分出好坏的时候了。

  It’s time to separate the good from the bad.

  264. 该释放他们的时间了。

  It’s time to set them free.

  265. 直到我看见他们启程才回来。

  I didn’t come back until I saw them set off.

  266. 我们打算早上出发。

  We are going to set out in the morning.

  267. 他们肩并肩地走进了教室。

  They went into the classroom side by side.

  268. 我会随身带些钱以便买些吃的。

  I will bring some money with me so as to buy something to eat.

  269. 就我所知,他不但是老师还是作家。

  So far as I know, he is not only a teacher but also a writer.

  270. 我们的梦想迟早会实现的。

  Our dream will come true sooner or later.

  271. 我的车有点毛病,因此我不能加速。

  There is something wrong with my car, so I can’t speed up.

  272. US 代表美国。

  US stands for the United States.

  273. 别说话了,该上课了。

  Stop talking. It’s time for class.

  274. 咱们停下来休息一下。

  Let’s stop to have a rest.

  275. 北京有许多名胜古迹,比如长城、颐和园等等。

  There are a lot of places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.

  276. 请你把它拿走好吗?

  Would you please take it away?

  277. 别紧张,我会帮你学英语的。

  Take it easy! I will help you with English.

  278. 屋里很冷,你最好别脱下外套。

  It’svery cold in the room, you had better not take off your coat.

  279. 我们可以从容地为考试做准备。

  We can take our time to get ready for the test.

  280. 他取出了一些照片。

  He took out some photos.

  281. 昨天发生了一起交通事故。

  A traffic accident took place yesterday.

  282. 我取代了他。

  I took the place of him.

  283. 每天玩电脑游戏占用许多时间。

  Playing computer games takes up a lot of time every day.

  284. 我经常一出去就关上灯。

  I often turn off the light as soon as I go out.

  285. 刚才我阻止他把灯打开。

  I stopped him from turning on lights just now.

  286. 他把电视开得很大。

  He turned up TV very loudly.

  287. 我看见她在教室里走来走去。

  I saw her walk up and down in the classroom.

  288. 我过去害怕黑暗。

  I used to be afraid of the dark.

  289. 我习惯于晚饭后去散步。

  I am used to going for a walk after supper.

  290. 我很抱歉让你等了这么长时间。

  I am sorry to keep you waiting for me so long time.

  291. 这道数学题太难,我做不出来。

  This math problem is too difficult for me to work out.

  292. 我一点都不担心我的英语。

  I don’t worry about my English at all.

  293. 你最好记下地址。

  You had better write down the address.

  294. 我会尽可能经常给你写信。

  I will write to you as often as possible.

  295. 总之,忘记不高兴的事,继续努力学习。

  In a word, forget the unhappy thing and keep on working hard at your lessons.

  296. 我相信如果你努力,一定会成功的。

  I'm sure you can be successful if you try your best.

  297. 你读的书越多,你获得的知识就越多。

  The more books you read, the more knowledge you will get.

  298. 很高兴收到你的来信。

  Nice to hear from you.

  299. 只要你用心,没有什么是不可能的。

  Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.

  300. 我期待你的好消息。

  I’m looking forward to your good news.











课程名称 课程内容 适合学员 课程详细
初一英语 初一培优型课程,选择经典的新概念一册作为初一年级培优型课程教材,期间结合大量的听力口语能力练习,培养孩子的听说能力。 1、英语成绩优秀的初一学员
初一数学 该课程主要为七年级下册和八年级上册前半部分的同步训练加难度提升,适合基础比较好的初一学生。在课程的设计上,分层次地讲述基础知识点及其综合应用,在巩固基础的同时,加强难度的训练。 1、数学成绩优秀的初一学员
初一语文 以初一上学期的语文重点、难点知识为载体,利用优能独特的教学法,通过深入浅出的讲解帮助学员在初中开始阶段继续保持并提升优秀的学习成绩。 1、想学习初一上学期重点难点的知识学生
初二英语 初二尖子培优型课程,对于新概念二册1-12课进行知识点的全面复习并在原有知识基础上进行巩固和加深,拓展高级写作句型给出真实语言情景,帮助学生全方位拓展英语综合能力的提升。 1、英语成绩优秀的的新初二学员
初二数学 在教材知识的学习之上,对于重难点进行深入的了解和探究,加入名校考题以及竞赛试题,让学员掌握书本知识的同时拓展思维,强化数学解题的思维与方法。 1、数学成绩优秀的的新初二学员
初二语文 总结复习初一语文在中考考纲中的知识点,预热初二语文所占中考的考点,以及对文言文阅读基本方法的了解和掌握。同时着力于加深学生对社科、人文的兴趣与了解。 1、语文成绩优秀的的新初二学员
初二物理 本课程针对刚刚初一升初二的学生,讲授初二物理预科内容;课程主要分为运动,声,光,物态变化等版块。通过学习本册的知识模块培养学生的物理思维方式。 1、想学习初二上学期重点难点的知识学生
中考英语 中考培优型课程,配给语法、完型、阅读、写作、听力和口语各个板块的综合练习,各个击破学员的考试障碍;配合以中考中高难度习题,通过解析四大名校月考,期中,期末试卷以及中考真题阶梯式的学习题型帮助学员提升成绩。 1、英语成绩优秀的初二升初三学员
中考数学 一部分为压轴题目的训练,帮助学员解决压轴题,拿高分;另一部分为初三的重难点知识的预科学习,让学员在中考中拿下高分打下坚实的基础。 1、数学成绩优秀的初二升初三学员。
中考语文 总结复习初中语文在中考考纲中的知识点,并结合课内外例题巩固复习;侧重阅读题型识别与概括,并结合课内外名著,引导作文高效写法。 1、语文成绩优秀的初二升初三学员
中考物理 课程内容主要是力学和热学两部分内容,帮助学生巩固中考中的重要模块—力学。力学题目的设置贴近中考难度;后半部分课程会预习初三的热学知识,提前帮助学生理解抽象的热学概 1、物理成绩中等或中等偏下的初二升初三学员
中考化学 巩固并扎实掌握九年级上册重难点:化学反应原理、计算及化学实验等部分内容,达到高级理解与运用的等级。帮助学员提高化学学习兴趣,掌握正确学习化学的方法。 1、学成绩优秀的初二升初三学员


长沙新东方官微 升学那些事



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咨询 微博 课程 校区 建议 顶部
2018-07-17 来源:网络整理 作者:长晓视





  231. 穿过森林时当心蛇。

  Look out for the snake when you get hrough the forest.

  232. 我讨厌女人在公共场合化妆。

  I hate seeing women make up in public.

  233. 该我值日了。

  It’s time for me to be on duty.

  234. 他的照片在全世界展览。

  His photos are on show all over the world.

  235. 从前,人们以捕鱼为生。

  Once upon a time, people live on fishing.

  236. 他很激动,上气不接下气地告诉我这个好消息。

  He was so excited that he told me the good news out of breath.

  237. 他太懒,结果他失业了。

  She is so lazy that she is out of work.

  238. 我看到他经过了。

  I saw him pass by.

  239. 我会尽快还你钱的。

  I will pay back your money as soon as possible.

  240. 我帮她付了书钱。

  I helped her to pay for the book.

  241. 你为什么不挑出你的书呢?

  Why don’t you pick out your book?

  242. 我开车接他时见到一个箱子。

  I picked up a box when I picked him up.

  243. 他指向门向我示意上面的一幅画。

  He pointed to the door to show me a picture on it.

  244. 防御火灾爆发是很重要的。

  It’s very important to prevent fire from breaking out.

  245. 我们最好为未来储存一些钱。

  We had better put away some money for the future.

  246. 你最好别推迟做作业。

  You had better not put off doing homework.

  247. 你最好穿上你的外套。

  You had better put on your coat.

  248. 请你把这幅画贴在墙上好吗?

  Could you please put up this picture on the wall?

  249. 我喜欢上学而不愿呆在家里。

  I like going to school rather than stay at home.

  250. 每人提到昨天的事。

  No one referred to yesterday’s thing.

  251. 我愿意把你当成我的朋友。

  I would like to regard you as my friend.

  252. 为什么不立刻请你老师帮忙呢?

  Why not ask your teacher for help right away?

  253. 你最好马上给他回电话。

  You had better ring him back right now.

  254. 我一到美国就给你打电话。

  I will ring you up as soon as I arrive in America.

  255. 你要么逃跑要么投降。

  You either run away or give in.

  256. 他准备花光他的钱为他家买一栋房子。

  He gets ready to run out of his money to buy a house for his family.

  257. 我很高兴我能挽救你的生命。

  I am glad that I can save your life.

  258. 我想要为你送行。

  I would like to see you off.

  259. 你必须尽快卖光所有的票。

  You have to sell out all the tickets as soon as possible.

  260. 你为什么不立刻派人请医生呢?

  Why don’t you send for a doctor right now?

  261. 太阳既发光又发热。

  The sun sends out both light and heat.

  262. 美国过去发射过许多宇宙飞船。

  America used to send up many spaceships.

  263. 是该分出好坏的时候了。

  It’s time to separate the good from the bad.

  264. 该释放他们的时间了。

  It’s time to set them free.

  265. 直到我看见他们启程才回来。

  I didn’t come back until I saw them set off.

  266. 我们打算早上出发。

  We are going to set out in the morning.

  267. 他们肩并肩地走进了教室。

  They went into the classroom side by side.

  268. 我会随身带些钱以便买些吃的。

  I will bring some money with me so as to buy something to eat.

  269. 就我所知,他不但是老师还是作家。

  So far as I know, he is not only a teacher but also a writer.

  270. 我们的梦想迟早会实现的。

  Our dream will come true sooner or later.

  271. 我的车有点毛病,因此我不能加速。

  There is something wrong with my car, so I can’t speed up.

  272. US 代表美国。

  US stands for the United States.

  273. 别说话了,该上课了。

  Stop talking. It’s time for class.

  274. 咱们停下来休息一下。

  Let’s stop to have a rest.

  275. 北京有许多名胜古迹,比如长城、颐和园等等。

  There are a lot of places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.

  276. 请你把它拿走好吗?

  Would you please take it away?

  277. 别紧张,我会帮你学英语的。

  Take it easy! I will help you with English.

  278. 屋里很冷,你最好别脱下外套。

  It’svery cold in the room, you had better not take off your coat.

  279. 我们可以从容地为考试做准备。

  We can take our time to get ready for the test.

  280. 他取出了一些照片。

  He took out some photos.

  281. 昨天发生了一起交通事故。

  A traffic accident took place yesterday.

  282. 我取代了他。

  I took the place of him.

  283. 每天玩电脑游戏占用许多时间。

  Playing computer games takes up a lot of time every day.

  284. 我经常一出去就关上灯。

  I often turn off the light as soon as I go out.

  285. 刚才我阻止他把灯打开。

  I stopped him from turning on lights just now.

  286. 他把电视开得很大。

  He turned up TV very loudly.

  287. 我看见她在教室里走来走去。

  I saw her walk up and down in the classroom.

  288. 我过去害怕黑暗。

  I used to be afraid of the dark.

  289. 我习惯于晚饭后去散步。

  I am used to going for a walk after supper.

  290. 我很抱歉让你等了这么长时间。

  I am sorry to keep you waiting for me so long time.

  291. 这道数学题太难,我做不出来。

  This math problem is too difficult for me to work out.

  292. 我一点都不担心我的英语。

  I don’t worry about my English at all.

  293. 你最好记下地址。

  You had better write down the address.

  294. 我会尽可能经常给你写信。

  I will write to you as often as possible.

  295. 总之,忘记不高兴的事,继续努力学习。

  In a word, forget the unhappy thing and keep on working hard at your lessons.

  296. 我相信如果你努力,一定会成功的。

  I'm sure you can be successful if you try your best.

  297. 你读的书越多,你获得的知识就越多。

  The more books you read, the more knowledge you will get.

  298. 很高兴收到你的来信。

  Nice to hear from you.

  299. 只要你用心,没有什么是不可能的。

  Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.

  300. 我期待你的好消息。

  I’m looking forward to your good news.









初一 初二 初三
班级名称 课程介绍 课程咨询
初一语文 以初一语文重点、难点知识为载体,通过深入浅出的讲解,帮助学员在初中开始阶段打好基础。
初一数学 分层次地讲述初一数学基础知识点及其综合应用,在巩固基础的同时,加强训练难度。
初一英语 初一培优型课程,课程结合大量的听力口语能力练习,培养孩子的听说能力。
班级名称 课程介绍 课程咨询
初二语文 总结复习初一语文知识点,预热初二语文所占中考的考点,加深学生对社科、人文的了解。
初二数学 在教材知识的学习之上,对于重难点进行深入的了解和探究,强化数学解题的思维与方法。
初二英语 在英语知识基础上进行巩固和加深,拓展高级写作句型,帮助学生全方位拓展英语综合能力。
班级名称 课程介绍 课程咨询
初三语文 立足于长沙中考,学习掌握初中语文答题技巧,加强阅读和写作能力。
初三数学 对标长沙中考能力要求,强化计算能力,锻炼数学思维以及解题技巧。
初三英语 培养学生英语学习兴趣,提升中考核心词汇量、阅读能力与听力水平。
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